Our Father (2014) Poster

(III) (2014)

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Unpredictable and intense.
williamlwalker26-96-86912624 September 2014
Viewed OUR FATHER and have to say, it is emotionally intense. What was revealed in John's (portrayed by Michael Gross) moment of clarity I did NOT see coming and the subject was gripping! A cleverly weaved storyline that touches on dementia and the contentious relationship between a father and son. His past deeds as a father and his illness has a demonstrative, negative affect with every member of the family. I couldn't help thinking throughout the film, I hope I don't get this disease. I am a father and have grown children who love me. I've made my share of mistakes along the way. This film reminds you, how important family is and don't wait to have that perfect relationship with your love ones before a crisis occurs. I believe, many will walk away from this important film, will have a new and profound understanding of dementia and forgiveness.
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Touching and Honest
RogerMarket4 October 2014
Our Father is a touching, honest film about what happens when a troubled man, a father, keeps secrets bottled up all his life; if not for his dementia, they would have stayed buried forever. Lucky—or unlucky—for his son, they didn't.

The film has reenactment, pain, understanding, and perhaps a little closure. This man's son will never see him the same way again and, from a single moment of clarity, can perhaps begin to forgive his mistakes. Beautifully shot and acted, this 20-minute film (shot almost entirely in a bathroom) has more emotion in it than some features have from beginning to end.

I'm so proud of Our Father.
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Moving Drama
michaelbalin27 September 2014
"Our Father" is a poignant, heartfelt glimpse into a contemporary family's struggle with the responsibilities faced by parental dementia as their difficulties are compounded by unexpected revelations of long-held secrets that bring new perspective to their painful family history. With touching performances and nuanced direction, the movie succeeds in bringing a great depth of detail in both story and sentiment that is uncommon in a short film. Constrained by an appropriately claustrophobic setting, the ensemble handles the powerful material with respectful commitment and grace and manages to accomplish the remarkable sense of intimacy needed for such a personal tale of such tragic consequence. Filled with raw emotion, the script arouses the viewer's empathy for all of the characters while subtly conveying the universality of modern life's often demanding complexities. As a result, the absorbing drama of "Our Father" makes for affecting, insightful, and thought-provoking cinema.
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A gripping tale of dark secrets and dementia tormenting a family
alphadogblue26 September 2014
"Our Father", a short film written and directed by Linda Palmer, opens with a steady build-up leading me from curious to overwhelmed with emotion. John played by Michael Gross was nothing less than amazing in his portrayal of a man in the grip of late stage dementia with incredibly realistic behavior bordering on schizophrenic. Michael Worth who portrays Jared was so convincing in his role as somewhat estranged son, that I truly felt his anguish, anger and frustration in his hopeless attempt to be the good son. Eileen Grubba (Kate) and David Topp (Danny) were perfectly cast as wife and son trying their best to support Jared and help care for his rapidly deteriorating absentee father as he tries to understand who his dad is why wasn't he there for him.
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A stunning, honest and brave short film about a family dealing with their father's advancing dementia
marti_wheat27 September 2014
A must see short film, with Michael Gross as you have never seen him before. Well written and beautifully directed telling of a true story that will stay with you for days.

"Our Father" takes a bold and honest look at the emotional and psychological devastation left in the wake of a father's crushing dementia. It also touches on other personal and social issues, bringing into sharp focus the effects of a life spent in darkness, carefully guarding secrets from the past.

In one claustrophobic scene, writer and director Linda Palmer-Cardone takes her audience on an insightful and mesmerizing journey that most feature-length films fail to achieve. Like a car crash you just can't look away from, "Our Father" holds you tight from the first moment to the last.

Michael Gross's shattering performance as John, the father, will leave you shaken to the core. Michael Worth's touching performance as Jared brilliantly captures the roller coaster of emotions and feelings a son faces when dealing with a father locked in the grip of advancing dementia.

David Topp and Eileen Grubba (Danny and Kate) also give wrenching and touching performances as a teenage boy, mature and sensitive beyond his years, who is far better equipped to handle the situation with his grandfather than anyone else, and a wife and mother who is struggling to keep herself and her family together through an impossible ordeal.
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Heartfelt drama
wmenara26 September 2014
This story was very touching and moving. Thoroughly enjoyed the movie. Short stories can pack a heartfelt punch - and this one certainly does a great job at that! There were some nice twists in this short film so I will not comment on the specifics of the story so as to allow the viewer to enjoy it firsthand.

I was impressed with the acting and the direction. I thought the filmmakers were very creative in how they visually shared the main character's back story through the course of the film. It was refreshing to see the filmmakers rely on the strength of the script and the acting to showcase a strong narrative. In addition to strong storytelling and direction, the title song was spot on emotionally and only strengthened the theme of the story. I would highly recommend this film for viewing. It recently started on the festival circuit and is doing very well. Continued success to the filmmakers!
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Powerful and Bold Film
angela_page26 September 2014
An amazing film about the effects of dementia. It delivers a powerful emotional experience combined with outstanding performances led by Michael Gross and Michael Worth. The atmosphere created is authentic and portrays a frustrated and exhausted family caring for a dad who suffers from dementia. The setting of a bathroom is unique and creates an intense experience. The theme will resonate with many people around the world who deal or have dealt with these issues while caring for loved ones. Our Father is an example of amazing writing, direction and acting. Linda Palmer's clear vision and superb storytelling makes this a must-see film. 
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Gripping film about Dementia
MaureenMeehan27 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Linda Palmer Cardone has written and directed a powerful gripping film not only about the affects of dementia on the person having it but on their family. Michael Gross and Michael Worth were amazing in this short film. David Topp and Eileen Grubba also had fantastic performances showing how this struggled affected a son/grandson and wife/daughter in law. There were other players in this film with short yet significant parts to play. As the secret his father has carried with him his life slowly is revealed it's intense. The flashbacks were well done and really tied into that moment. I found myself completely engrossed and wanted the movie to continue. People especially families who have watched loved ones suffer with mental illness will truly appreciate this short.
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A must see!
lpiwillsurvive26 September 2014
I loved this film! Heart-wrenching, Beautiful and Suberbly Acted! The story is very touching and thought provoking. This is definitely a film that most of us can relate to. Linda Palmer, the writer/ director guides the magnificent actors with a gentle, yet steady, hand.

Michael Gross stuns as the estranged father suffering from dementia. An amazingly brave performance.

Michael Worth is breath taking as his care-giving son. Eileen Grubba is wonderful and I loved David Topp as the grandson. What a fantastic talent he is! The production was great! The only problem I have with the film is that I would love it to be made into a full length title.
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Great short film, wonderfully told and beautifully filmed.
amandaserra-127 September 2014
This short film written and directed by Linda Palmer stars Michael Gross as, John, a formerly brutish father beset by Alzheimer's and Michael Worth as, Jared, the conflicted son reluctantly tasked to care for him. The film is a short 22 minutes as Jared struggles with his father who vacillates between infantile helplessness and abusive rage. In the conflict between father and son, secrets of the older man's past emerge and give the son a new understanding of his father's anger. The film is well paced and beautifully filmed using reflective surfaces to indicate the emotional double life of John. Except for a couple of short scenes in a closet and several flashbacks, the bulk of the film takes place in the bathroom as Jared struggles to coax his father into performing daily necessities. Frustration and anger is palpable in the film, but Palmer deftly relieves the strain with well-placed flashbacks and the patient ministrations of Danny, John's gentle grandson played by David Topp. Michael Gross's and Michael Worth's performances are riveting.
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Accurate portrayal of important family & social matters
MelanieStarScot24 September 2014
This is an excellent film that accurately portrays the difficult and heart wrenching effects of dementia/Alzheimers on a family. In an unexpected twist, it also shows the far-reaching consequences of trying to change who a person is; how it molds the human psyche and can negatively affect a person (and their future relationships) for the rest of their lives.

The camera work by DP P.J. Gaynard is imaginative and engaging and every role is thoughtfully & brilliantly acted by all of the performers.

Michael Gross is brilliant as "John". Having been a long time fan of his from his "Family Ties" days, I was pleasantly surprised to see him show such a dynamic range. No "Father of the Year" award here!

I enjoyed the contrast in relationships that "Jared" (Michael Worth) and "Danny" (David Topp) have with "John" (Gross) As in real life, it's a constant roller coaster ride of emotions and reactions. The protective firmness along with love and tenderness shown by David Topp as "Danny" is real and touching.

While she does not have a great deal of screen time, Eileen Grubba adds an extra layer of depth to this piece and also does an outstanding job of being hard and soft at the same time. She flows so effortlessly in this role, it made me wonder how much of her performance is experience-based and how much is pure acting know-how.

I was engaged from beginning to end. I hope to see this turned into a full length feature film in order to get more of the back story and fill in a lot of the blanks. The film makes us care about these characters and we'd like to see more of the road that led them to where they are today.

Two thumbs way up and kudos to all cast & crew.
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Across the board great film!
johnjtague24 September 2014
Our Father, under the masterful direction of Linda Palmer, is the kind of film that sticks with you for a while after viewing. It's a powerful film with great performances by it's cast that shed light on dealing with heartbreaking misfortune and deep rooted secrets. Actors Michael Worth and Michael Gross work beautifully together. The story is something everyone, regardless of their situation, can relate to. A very human film. A snapshot of how frail and how strong life can be at the same time. All of the actors dive into the performances and the camera work makes you feel as if you are in the room experiencing every moment of the film. Beautifully shot and scored. Deft storytelling and great performances all around. Well worth viewing.
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Powerful short
sandy-ibrahim25 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This short is a must see for anyone with family secrets and/or affected by Alzheimer's. These are truly brave performances by the cast. The film is mostly shot in one location and what gets revealed makes this both a powerful and unforgettable film.

This is such an original way to broach several subjects and the film left me questioning what we all think we know to be true in our families. All the characters are shown with compassion and strength and we are privy to a short but life-changing event that happens in the confines of a bathroom between multiple generations.

I highly recommend this film!!
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banzaistunts-129 September 2014
"Our Father" is a brilliant film! Linda's story takes you emotionally to place that is seldom talked about in society, yet most people have or will deal with the situation. Michael Gross, from Family Tie's, is amazing, like nothing you have ever seen him in before! Michael Worth plays his role perfectly against Gross! The chemistry between the two of them is spot on!

The Film is beautifully shot, written, and directed! I was never even able to catch my breath! When it ended all I could do was remember to breath! I would recommend this film to anyone! I wish it all the success that it deserves!
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A masterpiece by a masterful director
thewritelife20 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Every once in a while a film comes along in which the writing, directing and acting is so brilliant that it is hard to get out of your mind. That is how I feel about Linda Palmer's short film "Our Father" based on a true story. A gem of a film that will have you thinking about it long after it has ended.

In one way or another dementia touches everyone's lives. Either you have been or are currently a caregiver to someone who suffers with dementia, or you know someone who is taking care of someone who has dementia.

Sometimes dementia totally changes someone's personality. Where once they were kind, loving and gentle, they are now mean, belligerent and vociferous as their world and memories slowly fade away. Not so with John (Michael Gross) who is the father in "Our Father." John was a bully, racist and wife beater who never cared about his family before he got dementia and true to form John remains a bully, racist and still doesn't care about his family after he has gotten dementia. Well, at least one thing has changed, John is no longer a wife beater, but that is only because he has no wife to beat up. However, John still tries to bully and beat up his son, grandson and daughter-in-law who are only trying to take care of him and give him a place to live. And now John no longer even remembers that he has a son.

But John does have a son, and the unenviable task of being John's caregiver falls on the shoulders of his son Jared, beautifully portrayed by Michael Worth who gives a stunningly superb performance of a dutiful son trying to give love and compassion to a father who has never done anything for his children. Inwardly Jared is being emotionally torn apart by his father's deterioration and hostile rants.

Under Palmer's watchful eye and keen directing the entire cast delivers stellar performances. There is not one false move or one false word in the entire film. Danny (David Topp) is wonderfully moving as Jared's teenage son who calms down his grandfather John, while tenderly helping to bathe him. Kate (Eileen Grubba) is perfect as Jared's loving and supportive wife who refuses to put up with John's hurtfulness. When John says something derogatory to Kate she has no qualms about putting him in his place.

But as magnificent and excellent as the entire cast is, it is Michael Gross who steals the film. In an electrifying and powerful performance that is multifaceted and richly layered Gross delivers a riveting performance as a man trapped in the throes of dementia.

If "Our Father" were a full-length feature film, instead of a short, Michael Gross would be walking down the aisle this award season picking up one award after another for Best Actor and then winning the most coveted award of all, the Oscar for Best Actor. "Our Father" would do for Michael Gross what the "Dallas Buyers Club" did for Matthew McConaughey, make Hollywood finally stand up and take notice. I do not think Hollywood has even scratched the surface of what this talented actor who has a Master of Fine Arts degree from the prestigious Yale University School of Drama is capable of achieving when given the right script. Kudos to director Linda Palmer for casting Gross in "Our Father" and showing us his extraordinary range and depth as an actor.

In this slice of life film which takes place in the bathroom, except for some black and white flashbacks, the camera never lies. Palmer keeps the tension mounting between John and Jared. In one scene John urinates on Jared and that turns out to be the least shocking thing in this raw, emotionally charged film. The tension between father and son intensifies until it all explodes in a few moments of clarity when John blurts out a secret he has kept hidden his entire adult life.

It has been said that the truth will set you free. In "Our Father" Palmer gives us an unflinching look at a man whose whole life was a lie. Linda Palmer has created her magnum opus with "Our Father." It is an artistic masterpiece. If you love good filmmaking with a sensational cast this is a film you are not going to want to miss.
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An Emotional Journey
beachkitty195128 September 2014
"Our Father" is a beautifully drawn short film by director, Linda Palmer-Cardone, depicting a story of abuse, conflict and the progressive disease, Alzheimers. The characters of John and Jared, father and son, are strongly played by Michael Gross and Michael Worth. Their encounters together are tense, emotional and traumatic. You feel Jared's anguish and frustration in trying to understand his father and why he verbally and physically abused the family, especially him. The supportive acting of Eileen Grubba(Kate) and David Topp(Danny), was superb, depicting the wife and son who are trying to keep the family together under such circumstances. A cameo by Julia Silverman as John's ex-wife, cannot be ignored. She has lived many years with the abuse and hate and reminds her son that caring for John will be difficult; the answers you seek are not easily found. Ms. Palmer-Cardone directed with clever insight, giving us spurts into John's past that may help to explain his abusive treatment of the family. She has caught the face of Alzheimers and of those that are locked in its world.
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Compelling Drama
terriwilsoninfo3 October 2014
In the short film "Our Father," writer/director/producer Linda Palmer tackles such daunting subjects as dementia, caregiving, estranged families, and abuse. The film's cast includes Michael Gross (Family Ties, Tremors), Michael Worth (God's Ears), Eileen Grubba (Bones, Five Year Engagement), and David Topp (The Box). The emotionally driven script takes place almost entirely in a bathroom, requiring some pretty creative solutions in awfully cramped quarters from the cast and crew. All of the actors are superb, even in the smallest roles, but it is the two leads - father and son, patient and caregiver - who carry the bulk of the dialogue and are put through the emotional wringer of a relationship that is volatile in the best of times. Michael Gross embodies "John," a man suffering from dementia, with an honesty that is not tripped up by any actor ego. His character is at turns infantile, violent, passive, ugly, terrified, and terrifying. And wholeheartedly believable, as anyone who has ever been a caregiver to a family member with dementia can attest to. Michael Worth is "Jared," the dutiful son who is in way over his head with his father's mental and physical situation. His character is at once duty-bound, exhausted, angry, lost, frightened, and spent, with every nuance of those emotions registering on his face. The film, based on a true story, expertly captures the reality of dealing with keeping a medically deteriorating family member at home at all costs and handles the subject with respect and honesty. If you get a chance to see this short film, I highly recommend it.
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Intense and emotional!
scatteredpics24 September 2014
This movie is able to transport the viewer into the private lives of a family suffering from this dreaded disease and giving you an intimate view of how the entire family is affected by a father's failing memory. I believe this film will be an award-winner and anyone that appreciates excellent filmmaking will love this film. Each character is depicted with such realism and compassion which further makes the viewer want to see more of them on the screen. I highly recommend this film to be seen by anyone that knows someone suffering from this disease or just curious about how one man's memory failure can affect each and every member of a family. Excellent script, superb acting and wonderful directing!
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This movie will touch your heart - it is a "must watch" movie in my book.
gretchenlaundry-70-62841224 September 2014
This movie is well written, acted, and the musical score will touch your heart! It is a movie that sheds light on a secret that destroys families - mental illness. It shows mental illness in a true light, yet at the end it gave me hope. Hope that there is life after mental illness, no matter what the illness is. So many of us know someone with mental illness, or have mental illness ourselves. This movie portrays it in a different light than normally shown in film. I recommend everyone see this movie, share this movie, talk about this movie - you will be very glad you did! You will find a sense of peace, no matter what might come your way in life. You will be better prepared to face the challenges of this world. Such a great movie - watch it today!
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Beautiful and heartwarming film by Linda Palmer
andrefmbarros4 September 2015
It was a tremendous pleasure for me to work on the score for this memorable short-film by the talented director Linda Palmer. I must say that as soon as I've set my eyes on the script and realized how touching and heartfelt the story would become in the hands of Linda and the rest of the team, from that moment on I knew the responsibility I had on my hands! I couldn't be prouder of the end result and still today when watching this beautiful and inspiring film I realize the importance of telling this story and how it can affect us deeply in so many ways! I am so thankful for this opportunity and hope I've somehow managed to enhance the emotional depth so beautifully built by the talented cast, in the hands of an equally talented team! I highly recommend this film.
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Powerful True Story
rjsconsult26 September 2014
Our Father is a true story masterfully written and directed by Linda Palmer. At first look this tale might be about anger, violence and a family's tragedy. During the short 22 minutes there are numerous gut punches to jar and astound. The atrocities visited upon the father are visually and emotionally powerful and heartbreaking. The cinematography add to the intimacy and impact as if you are a family member dealing with the most challenging confrontations. As the story unfolds it becomes clear it is a tale of redemption and compassion. I love the tenderness and sensitivity of the male characters and the private view into how a father can learn patience and compassion from his young son.
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Packs a punch!
connieoser30 September 2014
This story packs a lot of punch in such a small time line. I felt the pain that this family was going through as if I were part of it. The unique twist to the story was so well done that it made me think about it long afterward.

Most of the people I know have experienced Alzheimer's in some way, either a family member or through friends. We worry that it could happen to us. I don't think I could provide the care for a parent.. And would hate to put the burden on my kids if it happened to me. This film really is about the caregiver's family and how they cope ....

Michael Gross was so brave and honest in his portrayal of the father. This film really touched my heart. 😢
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A wonderful film that asks of and gives more to its viewers then most modern films.
LoriM1294 October 2014
Our Father is a fantastic throwback to an age in cinema when a the entirety of a film could be shot in one location. When the film relied on the direction, acting, and editing to get across emotion as well as a message. When movies expected some thought and reflection from its viewers.

The use of flashbacks and cuts to display the trauma of this disease is done expertly and with a surprising twist. The use of mirrors and theme of reflection in the physical and metaphorical sense adds another layer to a complex, yet quick movie. Our Father is a short film with complexities that surpass most movies I've seen that are four times as long. I commend all the people who worked to make this film the success that it is.
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The story is important, and the actors clearly knew it...
takethegrungepill4 October 2014
The person who wrote this script obviously has a very good understanding of how 'cultural conditioning' can destroy the lives of people who don't always fit into the neat little boxes that are 'pre-approved' during the time period that we are alive. Every time period has it's cultural no-no's… and they are all illusions. But to the person trapped in them, they are very real, and they are hell on Earth.

This movie should be watched, and then discussed. My feelings about it are that this is an IMPORTANT film. Can you imagine denying everything that you are, just to fit in? We do it every day, and this film tries (and succeeds) at putting an exclamation point on that insanity.
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Passionate, profound performances portraying fear, suffering, animosity, tenderness, clarity, and love.
a-a-albano29 September 2014
As I sat quietly after watching "Our Father", a short film written and directed by Linda Palmer, I was amazed 22 minutes could touch me so deeply. The performances by Michael Gross, Michael Worth, David Top, and Eileen Grubba were powerful. You will not realize this is Michael Gross at first. It looks like him, but he embodies the hateful, confused, pained father. Michael Worth's low key deep performance as Jared, his estranged son, expresses all of the feelings a child has with a father who is insufferable, violent, and distant, along with the desire he has as a man to be decent and a caregiver during his fathers' illness. David Top as the grandson, Danny, is gentle and kind. He understands his father is hurting and wants to help Jared too. Danny represents the love and forgiveness. Eileen Grubba, as Kate, Jared's' wife, is the glue holding it all together. This ensemble is nothing short of fantastic! I do not believe you have to have someone with dementia in your life to appreciate this movie. The twists and secrets and compassion and confusion are intense and all draw you into that bathroom with the family. If you have the opportunity to see "Our Father", it will be 22 minutes well spent!
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