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Among the three best MI movies
27 July 2018
I don't know exactly how to rank this one but I think it's one of the best three. Go to watch it whether you're a MI fan and make your own opinion. I'm sure you'll agree with me. And Cavill steals the show. Warner open your eyes; #ManofSteel2 Now!!!!
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Quite formulaic
25 May 2018
Sadly, as a Star Wars fan, I've found Solo disappointing. There's a lot of action, of CGI, of mithology and the reprise of a lot of John Williams' themes but is so predictable, it retakes so many scenes from the previous Star Wars movies and the jokes are so lame that I yawned many times along the second act, what never had happened to me with any of the previous SW movies. To pull out Miller and Lord and hire Howard once the production had begun and not giving him too much time to get involved in the process has resulted in a cold and one hundred times seen movie. Even the scenes that haven't been copypasted from the SW universe are easily recognizable form other films. It's closest to Howard's adaptation of the Robert Langdon's movies than the director that made Apollo 13 or Cinderella Man or Willow. The beginning is quite illustrative. The prologue and introduction of the main character lacks a bit of vigour but the worst moment is when the title of the movie the middle of the action. If the title would had appear once Han had achieved his task with an epic music that could have stablished the tone of the whole movie but instead it feels anticlimactic and defines the mood of a continuous deja vu whitout charm. The cast is really good except Emilia Clarke (who I love as Daenerys) that doesn't seems to get the character and passes more time trying to be cute than creating an identity. Maybe not her fault but Howard's. The best part of the movie is the third act even not being too surprising but at least has that firmness that I missed the two previous hours.
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Deadpool 2 (2018)
Funnier than the first one
18 May 2018
This movie takes no prisoners. Nothing is safe from the wit of the screenwriters (among them it's quite obvious why Reynolds is also credited) I don't want to spoil not even a second of the movie. If you don't have prejudices to hear profanities of all kind (related to isms, pop culture, marvel universe and anything you consider a tabu) and laugh on them this is your movie. Don't miss the wonderful cameos along the movie and the extra scenes at the ending credits. There're two blocks separated by a credit and the second one has four different scenes. The two last are probably the two best extra scenes ever. Nuff said. Warning: DC fans...maybe some jokes aren't suitable for the most fundamentalists amidst you.
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Black Panther (2018)
Probably the most important superhero movie till now
16 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
It's quite funny to read so many derogatory reviews by Imdb users about this movie. Once seen it's obvious that they write it from a political agenda or from a very limited interest in entertainment movies or, worst, from a racist or sexist point of view. I don't think that Black Panther is the best superheroe movie ever (The Dark Knight or The Avengers or Spiderman 2 are better from MHPOV) nor the most funny (Guardians of the Galaxy or Thor Ragnarok or Deadpool would be) nor the most entertaining (here the list could be longer including some of the previous titles I've mentioned) but I think that it could be considered the most serious take for a superheroe mainstream movie. The beginning of the movie with the not much subtle message of Wakanda First! and how this evolve for the main character along the story (whose end of evolution is certified in the first extra scene after the main credits) clearly tries to send a message to the trumpists (and probably a lot of them are reviewing very low the movie) Also it tries to send a message of reconciliation to those that want to revive the ala "Malcom X" ideology or revanchist actions (here one has to think about the riots caused by some judicial decissions when police officers killed some black people or due to the move away of Southern symbols) portrayed by Killmonger. Probably some machist and alpha males (maybe a lot of them lovers of the macho image that superheroes use to portray) could feel that a so equal depiction of women and men as Warriors (yes with capital!, leaded by Nakia and Okoye) or scientists (the perfectly seized and restrained funny Shuri) or whatever, threatens their comfort zone. It has a good story and as well structured as a perfectly narrated story has to; the hero has to suffer a change and it happens thanks to the lesson he learns from his antagonist. The perfect simbiosis of the two faces of human personality by the hero and his opposite. Naturally this is a Marvel and Disney movie and these companies are not going to create a manifesto or a propaganda film hence they don't dig in those topics as an independent movie would do. Killmonger character lacks of a wider development and the talent of Michael B Jordan deserved it and the myth of Klaw in the comic books is roughly severed in behalf of the narrative but despite everything I think that being an entertaining production it offers much ideas than we are used to and as much as expected in terms of joy and fun.
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less surprising same fun and joy
28 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
GOTG 2 is a genuine entertainment and right now the best blockbuster of this 2017. I don't know whether it's due to contract issues or creative decisions but Drax has more funny moments than Rocket and it works quite good to me. Tender nice and the most surrealistic moments with Baby Groot and adventure and non solved sexual tension between Gamora and Star Lord. The first half of the movie it seems that there's not a main plot or a super-foe like Ronan in the first movie but once the subplots seem to come to an end the plot thickens and I think it won't disappoint anyone.

Probably the most noticeable lack to me is the soundtrack. I think the playlist for the Awesome Mix Vol 2 is not so good as expected despite having themes from ELO, Sweet, George Harrison or Sam Cooke (and not his best song IMHO) but the rest is more disputable.

Don't miss this movie if you want to pass two hours and a quarter of joy and fun.
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These kind of movies is like falling in love...
13 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers have to accept 'em despite its failures or better move on.


The best you can do is to take a seat and have fun and not try to find answers to the long list of questions that this movie will cause to you.

Also whether you look for good and high level screen writing you are in the wrong place. This is just a long ride in one of the most hyperbolic rollercoasters ever (if you've seen the poster you've noticed that there are some cars being pursued on ice by a submarine. Nuff said!) You don't go to see fireworks to hear Debussy or to an amusement park to hear someone recite Walt Whitman in the jump & smile ride. This is not Moonlight, or Manchester by the sea nor even La la land. This is an spectacle, an action movie franchise and you get what something like this is worth.

This is an universe where physics follow different rules to ours. I don't understand why they aren't considered sci-fi movies because there're at least four or five scientific-technological creations that can't exist in our reality.

Yes. It has two Academy Awards winners. But remember that Charlize has done Monster but Mad Max too. And Helen Mirren can play the Queen but also Red 1 and 2. By the way, both are quite good in this one. Helen Mirren just appears twice but great both times.

Major spoilers!!!

The prologue is a perfect clue of what expect in terms of hyperbolic screen writing. A long scene with a lot of classic F&F action that barely contributes to rest of the story. Just to remind us how much charismatic Dom is, to introduce us to a character that is going to appear later to do something that any Helen Mirren's thug could have done, and to relate Dom with kids when he is cheered as a hero by a bunch of brats just because there's something related with parenthood along the movie. But finally is just a scene to start the engines on.

Maybe at the end you'll wonder what has happened with Owen Shaw. There's no answer. Or how has Dekard released his brother. There's no answer. Or.... better I stop here.

Don't blame Universal, F Gary Gray or Vin Diesel after watching the movie. Blame yourself if you go to watch it not knowing what a F&F movie is after 7 previous releases. This is what it is, and you have to know exactly what is.

Take the ticket to your ride, void your mind and enjoy. Paul Walker in our hearts.
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The Same Sky (2017)
Quite good but not riveting
8 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers

The same sky is an interesting TV show but sometimes quite predictable. It's true that the authors unveil the (supposedly) shocking twist in the last episode (by the way, here in Spain the series has been divided in six episodes one hour long each episode) of the first season but you can guess it easily since the second or third episode. When I was watching it I thought it was going to be a mini series and all the plots were coming to an end and I discovered there was going to continue in further seasons 45 minutes into the last (and sixth) episode. I've liked it but I don't think it's so interesting to make it last more than one season. I admit that there were some story lines that I didn't understand (Why should we be interested in knowing anything else about Emil once his mother has died? What's about that eager informer from the factory?) and at the end I got that these are going to be story lines for the second season. I'm not sure whether I'll be watching it once the second season will be released because I haven't found it so thrilling to wait a whole long year but if you're interested in revisionist European TV shows based in actual events or historic periods maybe you should give it a chance.
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Legion: Chapter 8 (2017)
Season 1, Episode 8
Question and suggestion for jacklouise
3 April 2017
Who has said that piece of tech-on-hand is from the government group? Maybe you should know who David's real father is before to draw so hasty conclusions. If you don't mind to be spoiled you can check Legion/David Haller on Wikipedia or be patient and wait until 2018 to know the truth...
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Logan (2017)
Not the Wolverine movie I wanted to watch
3 March 2017
This is not strictly a superhero's movie. It's more a drama in the Sydney Lumet's Running on empty tradition mixed with a road movie (if you don't consider Running on empty a road movie itself). Obviously there are characters with superpowers or enhanced skills, cyborgs, adamantium claws and telepathic stuff but the action scenes just cover less than a third of the whole movie. Maybe is a more mature movie amid its genre than usual but I felt that it lacks a lot of entertainment. At least the kind of fun I expect from a superhero movie. I recognize the risk that the authors have assumed with this kind of story but I don't find it too original. I didn't like a lot the previous Mangold's Wolverine movie and I disliked Origins but to rank all three from best to worst; 1 The Wolverine, 2 Logan, 3 Origins. I think that they have missed a great opportunity with a really great character. I would have enjoyed much more a Bryan Synger's X Men movie style (but discarding Apocalypse) So Long Hugh Jackman's Wolverine
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The Wolverine (2013)
Do Hara-Kiri (or better, Mangold could have done)
24 July 2013
First of all, my two favourites superheroes ever are Spiderman and Wolverine. Hence it's sad to me see that sometimes they do weak movies with these characters. I agree that the Tim Story's The fantastic four, Daredevil, Elektra, Spiderman 3, Ang Lee's Hulk and first Wolverine weren't too good, a bit silly but at least they were funny and entertaining. The major problem with this The Wolverine is that it's boring as hell, primarily the 40 minutes in the center of the story; the final twist is very predictable; the plot it's too easy; and they could have make the most of the Viper character. I liked 3:10 to Yuma, Copland and Walk the line and found amusing Night and Day, but James Mangold isn't an appropriate director for a Marvel movie. The best part is the extra scene few after the ending credits begin(I don't spoil it, don't worry) Values added are the beauty of Tao Okamoto that I think it's accurate to the Chris Claremont/John Byrne depiction of Mariko in the comic-books and Rila Fukusima performs a correct sidekick as Yukio. I bet that (sadly) there's not going to be a third Wolverine movie because this one is going to bomb at the box office. Specially after the first week word of mouth. My recommendation: as I would like to see a third one (hoping to see finally a good Wolverine movie), go to watch it, but if I have to be honest, save your money and wait to see it at home (cause is going to be cheaper the waste).
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Falling Skies (2011–2015)
Could it have been worst? Hard to believe
23 July 2011
I've seen many sci-fi series and i've no doubt this is the most boring and outrageous ever. Didn't you liked Caprica, SeaQuest or Earth 2? So, be prepared to suffer if you try this one. I've seen the five first episodes and for me it's enough. I don't give it more chances. The fourth, the best of them, had awoke my expectations. It was intriguing, emotive and well paced. But today i've seen the fifth, and i'm hitting the roof how terrible it has been. After fifteen minutes the story has began to refer to the family scenes in Spielberg movies -and i ADORE Spielberg- and each second was more tedious than the previous. Robert Rodat, the creator, has decided to repeat the structure of the chapel scene from his Private Ryan script three or four times per episode, and that becomes unbearable. I invite the screenwriters to make the most ridiculous episode ever doing Noah Wyle repeat to his older son the all running 45 minutes of the last episode ever -surely the tenth of the first season- how much he cares about him and how proud he feels about his sons. Nowaday he just does it three, four or five times per episode. And of course, with that maddening piano solo that it's repeated each time we see this kind of scene. Came on Rodat... be brave and do history at the end. Even Uwe Boll has supporters. My vote: Worst sci-fi TV series ever.
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Blackthorn (2011)
European Western, not Spaghetti Western
18 April 2011
Blackthorn is an estimable contribution to Western movies. Contrary to the American style, here the epic it's illustrated in a less gimmicky way. There's not apotheosis at the endings of the sequences with a high emotional music theme. Poetry it's in the words, the silences, the landscapes and the development of the characters. Apparently it's a traditional story about compensation with the past, but there's much more. An a-la-Hawks representation of male friendship, a social message, a nostalgic review of classic Western and two little twists in the story that avoid a possible predictable ending. Very interesting it's the Mateo Gil's choice, in opposition to the Roy Hill movie, to show Bolivia as a wide open country. While Roy Hill, in the 1969 movie, shoot the South American scenes in a cloistered vision -to give them a claustrophobic value that works as allegory of the characters mood- in contrast with the North American scenes, Gil hasn't renegade to shoot the desert, the wide plains and even the canyons from Bolivia brought out by the brilliant cinematography of Ruíz Anchía. Perhaps there're a couple of moments that the narrative pace goes down in contemplative scenes, but overall the rhythm and the story will keep your attention. Great works of Sam Shephard, Eduardo Noriega, Stephen Rea and Nikolaj Coaster-Waldau. You would like Blackthorn if you like Unforgiven, Appaloosa, Open Range or, of course, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid but not if your taste it's nearest to The Quick and the Dead, Young Guns I or II, or Cowboys & Aliens.
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The Chef-d'oeuvre of melancholy
16 April 2011
This simple history is at the same time; funny (those wool bathing suits), sad (poetry, here, is sadness), amusing (that mesmerizing Arab dance) and moving (extreme love story). You feel your heart caught all the running time. It's a great example how to represent in cinema what's true love. A couple alone with themselves and their love. Nothing else needed, nothing else missed. As Antoine says: "No friends, no sons, nobody, just us". Even that's not accurate, but it's as they feel it. A very beautiful movie that let you at the end shuddered and melancholic...and envious of what the characters have had the luck to live. A must see. Absolutely recommended for romantic people. 8'5/10
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Watchmen (2009)
6 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I've been waiting this movie for 15 years, since i read for the first time the comic - i hate this new, and pedantic, denomination, graphic novel-, and i've tried to see it like if i didn't know nothing about the story. I enjoyed very much the two previous Snyder movies. Alan Moore is god in comic world as Jon Osterman is god in Watchmen world. I don't dislike Dylan, Simon and Garfunkel or Leonard Cohen. Even i think that Patrick Wilson, Billy Crudup, Malin Akerman, Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Carla Gugino are competent players - Jackie Earle Haley is so over all of them, like to compare Albert Einstein with a Science High School teacher. Perhaps that's cause i was so disappointed during all the projection, and so void at the end.

1.- There's no narrative pulse. No energy. No life in the "mise en scéne". Perhaps cause the extreme fidelity with the original. 2.- And the point 1 is the reason that makes you feel the movie is too long (and it's so long) 3.- There's the worst songs selection in whole cinema history. Not for the songs themselves -all great songs-, but for the use of them. Specially erroneous the combination of cemetery scene/Sounds of silence, and Dr. Manhattan-Vietnam scene/Wagner Walkirye cliché. 4.- Matthew Goode IS NOT Adrian Veidt/Ozymandias, period. 5.- The living muppet playing Nixon/The Elephant Man.

Sure there are reasons to see the movie:

1.-Jackie Earle Haley 2.-Great Special effects (not Bubastis, the cat genetically modified) 3.-Jackie Earle Haley 4.-The marvelous opening credits. 5.-Rorschach...i mean, Jackie Earle Haley. 6.-To have your own experience and opinion.

Perhaps the kingdom of Moore it's comics and not cinema -except V for Vendetta, do you know... From hell, The League of extraordinary gentlemen, Watchmen,...period?

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The Dead Zone: Panic (2006)
Season 5, Episode 3
The worst episode of the series
10 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
In scriptwriting there are many basic rules you must respect to do a good story. One of them it's don't abuse of coincidences. This episode has one after another. I agree that there's something in fiction called poetic license, and it usually take shape like coincidences, but in this episode it's too much.

*Guns that get empty in the necessary second. *A lighter that falls at the feet of a character when he'll need it *A photograph of Walt and J.J. that appears (in a absolutely dark house)just when the killers need to know their relationship. *Wooden doors that can't be open with a gunshot at the lock *Air-condition tubes in a private house that are enough big to let pass an adult (the reason :cause they are old) *A pro-killer that's caught unawares by a ten years old boy's kick (and so hard that he loose his foot and fall down.)

And finally the summit:

* Not just one secret door to let the characters run away from a closed room. When they get caught in the basement with no chances, there's a second secret door to avoid 'em escape in a passage.

Terrible.(And to complete the disastrous episode, John waits till the killer throw down the door and comes in to run away and in a incomprehensible way never has behind him the killer trying to shoot him -even though it's a long corridor).

A sad, shameful, and awful episode that should never been filmed (or written).

Fortunately, The Dead Zone has many other great episodes that let us forget (and forgive) this mistake.
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The Dead Zone: Precipitate (2003)
Season 2, Episode 5
Barely ridiculous but funny
29 November 2007
I'm not a big fan of The dead zone, but a friend has lent me the first two seasons and i think it's worth seeing. In the first season the writers take so much from previous ideas,- like season 1 episode 5 is a free adaptation of Twelve angry men - but in the second one they have worked better the stories. They have left, temporarily, the apocalyptic and serious vision from the Stephen King's book and Cronenberg's movie, and they've became a little bit metaphysical, and comical. I mind it's not a bad way to extend the series, to find new plots, but sometimes they brush the blush -i'm not going to reveal which episodes, but people who has seen the previous seventeen episodes sure understand which ones i'm referring. I've liked so much this episode, cause is paradigm of the line that the series has taken. A thrilling plot that is barely ridiculous in its development, but that finally became funny, and even mystic. If you haven't seen The dead zone yet, give it a chance. You are not going mad for it, but sure you'll not regret.
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Death Proof (2007)
Trash, garbage, sh.t...disappointment
31 August 2007
Being a Tarantino fan, i can't believe how bad this movie is. The problem isn't that pretends to have the same poor look of the trash movies/ exploitation movies of the seventies. The very big problem it's how much boring it is. I don't know the Grindhouse version, but this extended one it's awful. Just the five minutes in the middle and the last half hour brights like Tarantino use to astonish. But the rest of the movie, with those eternal conversations about/full of nothing - the Tarantino's touch so great in the rest of his filmography - seems made by someone who imitates Tarantino more than the real one. I believe is specially in these parts where Tarantino is too accommodated to his own style. And he believes that to repeat his touch is enough to satisfy his fans. I think that if the people in U.S.A. would suffer the European version the rating never will be so high. I would like to know other opinions.

My rating 1 over 10
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A masterpiece of all times
6 June 2006
I love Menzel movies and this one is my favorite of all of them. Even it's into my ten favorite movies of all time, like The Godfather, Blade Runner, The man who shot Liberty Valance, Amarcord or La vida en un hilo. It's poetical, romantic, erotic and funny. A kind of humor that moves from intelligent talk to the purely slapstick, but always in a universal way, that everybody can appreciate and enjoy.It's a movie that tries to make you feel how pretty are love and life, and if you let your senses and soul go into the story, when the movie finishes you can feel yourself better than at the beginning. Enjoy this movie so you'll enjoy life...and beer.
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The Unit: Non-Permissive Environment (2006)
Season 1, Episode 5
¿The worst TV episode of fiction series ever written?
28 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I'm still expecting about The Unit. I think that someone like Mamet should been on to a better product, but i'm waiting to the develop of the series and i hope it will be better in the next episodes. But this episode specially it's the most terrible thing - yes, THING - i've ever seen in whole my life in TV. Sure i have the problem of being Spanish and i can't believe that there's nobody in the designer or production team that hasn't investigate to know that Guardia Civil is not a police corpse that works in city. The only Spanish police that can go after Bob is Policia Nacional. Even that, the kind of hats that Guardia Civil wear in the episode it's of times of Franco - my God, 1975 - and has been eliminated more than a decade. And we are Spanish, not Mexican. Sure, there are not any Spanish actors in Hollywood? But the worst thing is the plot. The storyline of Haysbert daughter is so cliché that make to vomit. But the storyline of Bob should be nominated to Razzies Awards. Hooking with a girl for drugs and finishing with a gay foreigner - and with a strange sensation that this character must to run cause he is gay. If we have make legal the gay engagements!!! -?. Terrible. I think that if the next episode isn't better perhaps i will surrender. Sorry for my English.
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To think about...who has done this one
16 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I couldn't stop to seen this documentary till its end. I was stuck in my chair. Like once i couldn't stop to seen Oliver Stone's JFK (1991). Instead, there were moments that i have arrived to think that the original title of this one was Peter Jennings reporting: The Kennedy Assassination - Beyond Conspiracy of Oliver Stone. The last 30 minutes are entirely dedicated to dismount the Stone's movie theory. That's not bad, sure, but at least Mark Obenhaus does the same that tries to criticize. I miss more testimonies of people that believe in conspiracy theories I think it would done better this movie. In a state of democracy i think it's good to have both versions (Obenhaus-Stone) for make each one his own version. But we must remember that Obenhaus has done a documentary and Stone a fiction...with all the reserves that it means...for both of them.
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The Chorus (2004)
A hundred times seen movie
10 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I'm sorry for the people who defends this movie, but it's a vulgar remake not just of Cage Aux Roussignols, even more than a hundred movies like this one. There's nothing new in the story, nothing fresh in the "mise en scene", nothing archetypal in the characters. The most sad thing i have seen in this movie is how mediocre is the end resolution when the guardian/music teacher goes away from the Fond D'Etang with the children saying him goodbye. The "mise en scene" is so bad that Barratier loose a great opportunity to make this moment very much emotive: the time, the rhythm, the actor direction, everything is wasted. A movie not much better than perhaps hundred more movies premiered last year. It don't deserves the Oscar.(Can somebody believe this movie has get a consideration and not House of Flying Daggers?)
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The Sea Inside (I) (2004)
Another Amenabar masterpiece
2 September 2004
Amenábar has get it again. Another great movie. If you're looking for something like The Others , forget it. This is a emotive, without breathing, mercilessly movie . It's about life and death. About love and hate. It's A MOVIE. Something that seems American filmmakers had forgotten!. Amenabar shows that he is one of the finest and greatest movie makers of the 21st century. To you: Handful of desperate movie creators, learn something about sensations, emotions and language of cinema. See this movie, it can't painful you. Just begun to understand what emotional European directors can do. Good luck. Your way it's hard, i hope you'll get it.

The movie of the year has arrived at Spanish Cinemas. Soon on your screens!!!!
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American thrillers should learn from Korean ones
26 May 2004
What a good movie.What a great work of casting. Perhaps a little bit long, but the most part the movie is enjoyable and there's no perfection without mistakes. I think i haven't ever seen before a Korean movie and if there are much of them like this one i shall become Korean movie fan. The tempo, the thrill, the development of characters, everything it has been well worked.The direction is good yet without emphatic resources, there are just two moments with a little much use of slow motion but it doesn't arrive to be an abuse of it.

If you can see it don't loose your time with Hollywood sad-bad thrillers bet for this Korean present.

9/10 cause perfection doesn't exist.
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The Mexican (2001)
Can i Mex ?
25 January 2004
I think that Gore Verbinski has a great future like movie director - just see Ring or Pirates, even Mouse - but first he should select better the scripts for his movies. This is the real problem on this one. Anybody who has gone to a screenwriter's school or academy or university knows that one of the first things you should learn to write for movies is that your principal characters must act. They must go to create action. And never expect and react. That's what makes Brad Pitt's character in great part of the movie. Everything happens to him and he never do nothing for the action. He just stays there and things happens round him - can anybody believe that a girl like Julia can be in love with a dork like him? Just cause he is handsome? Oh god! - and that can't work. It's hard to understand how a director like Gore has fallen in this kind of mistake. We'll expect that in the future his movies will be better - like Pirates.

My evaluation: 4 over 10
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Ghostman Goldman
7 May 2003
I think William Goldman is one of the greatest screenplayers of all time. I've bought his two marvellous books about "Screen Trade", and there you can understand what works in this movie and what don't. Perhaps it isn't a great movie, perhaps Stephen Hopkins isn't Spielberg or Hawks or any of the best adventures' movies directors, but the three or four big moments that are in the movie (how many movies of the last decade would like to have just one of them) justify its existence and to go to rent it at your blockbuster or even buy it in DVD (let's forget video my godness!). If you give it an opportunity, next time you go to camping in desert fields, and after hear the sorrow of the grass moved by the wind, you'll put your hand to protect your throat from the crawls and teeth of darkness. And be sure that GhostGoldman has had the guilty.

I give it 7 over 10 Sorry for my not very good english
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