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Peppermint (2018)
Worst movie beneath Transformers
16 September 2018
Whoever rates this movie high is completely insane! That or they're writing fake reviews to sell the movie. It literally makes no sense, Jennifer Garner is indestructible, knows where everyone is without any explanation, and becomes an amazing Punisher or Rambo type after being a soccer Mom the majority of her life.

There's no suspense, nothing interesting or new happens in this movie. It's basically Death Wish 99, The Punishers Wife, or just about any revenge movie you can name. You have seen it many times. The characters aren't interesting, the action isn't good, the cinematography is mediocre at best.

I wish I could convince you not to see it. But I am sure if you're reading this, you already have.
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Final Score (2018)
Die Hard 382982378
15 September 2018
It's a rip off of Die Hard and Sudden Death, the acting is mediocre and there's a lot of nonsense. But hey, there's tons of ridiculous action! If you've seen Sudden Death, you've seen this movie. It's a good Sunday afternoon boredom killer...
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13 September 2018
I don't know why people are giving this movie a 10/10, or why there are even 10 star ratings... holy moly. It's like fake Amazon reviews, were these people given some kind of compensation for 10/10 reviews? This is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. It's so boring I wanted to sleep the whole time I was forcing myself to watch it. I wished I hadn't paid for it, I regret it so much. The only good thing about it is the acting. Nothing happens in this movie, at all... it's like watching cut scenes in a video game that you can't play and all the action or significant moments were during gameplay. I truly believe IMDB reviews are fraudulent.
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Interesting story, but the prison system is broken
12 September 2018
I'm in awe at how many people are propping this guy up as if he is some angel. The guy is a thief, kidnapper, drug addict, even before he was wrongly convicted. What really freaks me out is the justice system and the prisons... they get away with some scary things that they should be shut down for! I seriously do not understand why people think this guy is a hero. He's deeply troubled and traumatized and should be getting the help he needs. But the justice and prison systems need a huge overhaul with a mega dose of humanity!
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Why, Jackie, Why?
23 August 2018
I don't know why he bothered with this movie, but at least he did well in his scenes for an old man! There's terrible scenes in this film, I don't know who thought they would be good outside of a Disney channel show. I have a feeling there were a lot of problems making this movie, but I can't seem to find any behind the scenes information.

I had fun fast forwarding to Chan's scenes. He's still got some moves!
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Hereditary (2018)
Not the worst, but not the best...
23 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is very creepy, it's a slow burn though so be prepared. The acting is absolutely amazing! Toni Collette is something else, she's just impressive and that's worth watching alone even if you don't like horror. The performances are insanely good by most everyone with screen time.

The biggest problem with horror is the irrational behavior that occurs during the films. I just don't see how it's possible for certain actions in this film to have taken place and that's why it will never be scary enough. If only they could just leave out the out of this world behavior. For example, there's a scene where a child is having an allergic reaction and she sticks her head out of a moving vehicle. I'm sorry, I just can't get into a movie with something that stupid! Just let them have an accident... why does it have to be so moronic?

This movie could have been so much more scary without the nonsense. If you see it you will know what I mean. I would have been much more scared out of my mind if the incidents that lead the plot would have been much more realistic. A satanic cult with a subtle supernatural hint, and crazy nightmares would have freaked me the hell out!

The atmosphere and acting were stellar, and it was well put together. It's only fault is being silly with what happens, just stick with some reality, just some, when it comes to horror! Whenever you writers and directors feel like making irrational behavior, put it all into the crazy characters... not the victims! Sigh.
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Decent, but lacks suspense
16 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't really expect much because of Force Awakens, I just wanted to see some lightsabers. Didn't even get much of that...

It's the same story as A New Hope... seriously. I was rolling my eyes, it's almost identical in plot. I wouldn't have minded that if they actually tried to make any characters, instead they just had bodies on the screen repeating the script. The acting was good and the production value is high, but I just didn't care about anyone. The robot had more character than the living beings.

Not sure why they hate developing characters in movies now, probably because the mindless masses like their special fx and things blowing up. I don't even remember most of the movie because I was so bored and dying to check my cellphone for messages. There's no suspense involved, and the cliché ending probably has people falling all over themselves to get a Darth Vader doll for Christmas.

I liked the FX, I liked the sets, but I don't even know any of the characters names. Don't care either, next star wars movie I'm waiting for Netflix.
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Magnificent Sh--
11 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I hope you enjoy music and guns at 500 times the volume as the voices, but don't worry, they don't say anything important anyway. The soundtrack is terrible, the story is the same thing you've seen in every western. A crazy rich guy with an army messes with a town only to come face to face with 7 gunslingers who can take out an army.

Almost no character development, nothing to add to the previous versions. Actually, they took nothing from what made the older ones work...

Hollywood likes to get a bunch of popular stars that people like to watch and then not use them for anything except being on screen. All these cool actors and hardly any acting at all. I couldn't have cared less about any of them. I was so bored watching this movie, I'd rather have been at home watching Netflix.

I wish I could say they were ruining movies, but apparently, people come out in huge crowds to see this garbage so they keep making it. I wish I could enjoy it as much as they do, but there must be something wrong with my brain.
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Terrible episode...
25 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I guess they went from a survival show to a slasher snuff torture porn flick, what a terrible episode. I personally don't want to see good people getting eyes busted out of their heads for no reason other than to shock me.

I'm not into any psychotic murder of any sort, this was just plain torture porn and it turns on the sickos.

I feel sorry for the crew who had to sit through that bore fest of disgusting nonsense. I think the same writers from season 2 and 3 are doing this, right? Just as awful!

I'll be skipping this crap from now on.
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Suicide Squad (2016)
Boring, stupid, lame, nonsense
8 August 2016
1 Star for the costumes... the rest is utter garbage. Terrible dialogue, half arsed story, very, very bad directing, extremely lame plot. I can not even tell what happened during the action scenes. The Joker is a joke, I couldn't have cared less about any of these characters. No suspense, no interesting anything... huge missed opportunity for whoever made this garbage.

I'm getting sick of these movies that don't put any effort into character development or suspense whatsoever. I don't know how people can enjoy the movies without at least any character development at all. Showing them isn't enough.

The humor was eye-rolling and gutwrenching. I'm not a fan of the jokers look either, I don't even understand what they were trying to pull off with this story. Waste of a movie if you ask me...
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The 5th Wave (2016)
Entertaining, good message, good acting, bad plot.
20 March 2016
This is an entertaining film, even though it's pretty much silly and makes no sense. This film is about the end of the world, I guess, or maybe it's about keeping humanity in a silly crisis. I hope aliens are this stupid if they come to kill us all.

When I was watching the film I focused more on the characters in the film rather than the whole story. After watching it, sort of like a dream, I realized how silly it was. Yes, it's ridiculous, it's extremely bad on logic.

But that didn't stop me from enjoying it. The acting is good, the message is good, but if you're looking for a well thought out story that doesn't leave gaping plot holes and doesn't make you ask questions why are they doing this when they're all powerful kind of thing... just don't bother watching it. Guaranteed most of these people rated Avengers a 10 and this a 1.
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It's good, just not amazing like everyone hoped
25 December 2015
This is probably my new favorite Star Wars movie, it used to be Return of the Jedi. Why? Well, I'm not sure. Probably because after the prequels anything is better than those. I couldn't even stay awake for the Phantom Menace and didn't bother to go to the theater for the other two.

This movie has very little character development, and a very fast pace. Great if you're willing to accept that you don't care much for any of the characters. Due to the pacing of the movie there are all too convenient things happening to push the pace. Like, someone runs off and fights in the woods but somehow their friend shows up right in front of them to move them to the next scene.

It's also extremely ridiculous, Luke had to go through training and failure to come back powerful in a whole different movie, which made it epic. But this one everybody can just do enough to be proud of themselves and feel good. But since there was no character development I'm sure they felt they had to do that.

The movie is quite entertaining from start to finish, but in an action mood. There's not much drama really, thankfully, I'm not really into whining and angst like Luke had... especially with his high pitched voice.

The story is very similar to New Hope... if it ain't broke... I guess. They added some random scenes and nostalgia, I can tell they banked hard on the nostalgia of the original characters. It worked really well as I'm sure this movie will go over a billion dollars.

I could think of a million stories to follow Return of the Jedi, but I'm sure this is the one that makes a billion bucks. I can't complain too much because somehow I enjoyed the movie myself. The lack of character development and I guess suspense is what is missing from it that made me hack of several stars.

With the little character development that they had I was able to I guess, imagine, how the characters might feel. But if I wanted to do that I would read a book. I was hoping to feel for them like I felt for Luke when his family died, or when his hand got chopped off, I mean how embarrassing and humiliating it was for him. I remember it clearly, and this movie, well... I remember when the original characters were on screen. The new ones... well they didn't give me much to remember.

So if you're willing to go through a similar story with some feel good moments and some laughs and nostalgia then you'll enjoy the movie. But if you're looking for something to top the Star Wars movies franchise you're out of luck. The originals are still the best and always will be... unless somehow pop culture changes and the billionaires get some guts to tell a story. Right now, they bank on rehashing things... and so that's what we got.
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Garbage the masses love to eat up
18 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Bald morons spraying their mouth with... something, for some reason. Stuff blows up and people scream, and IMDb community comes running with about 60,000 10/10 reviews. What has the world come to?

The entire cast may have said about 20 words combined, and none of them can speak clearly. They all mumble in really loud cars, pretty sure they couldn't hear each other at all cause I couldn't understand much. But doesn't matter anyway... all you need to know is BOOM!

em that nobody makes that stuff anymore? Pretty sure these guys couldn't have survived at all... especially the main guy who apparently has some weird illness that might have made sense if they tried to you know, tell a story. Instead they're just like, he needs some weird creepy stuff to make him bad!

As soon as I saw Tom Hardy eat a lizard I bowed my head in shame and immediately regretted setting foot into the theater. I find it hard to believe that the original director had anything to do with this garbage, unless he has gone completely stupid or needed a lot of money or something. I don't know, but I'm sure he had hardly anything to do with this. If he is of sound mind, he should be ashamed and happy with all the money he's getting from this sell out.

Here's a list of all the problems in this movie:

No character development, couldn't care about anybody No story, no back story, no side story, no explanation of anything. No suspense, no drama, no acting, bodies move No plot twist (unless you count going back to the place they were getting away from, which is really dumb) No memorable scenes, no memorable dialog No relatable characters, or anything to relate to at all Filmed in a boring desert (they couldn't find a city in ruins? for people running out of water, they sure chose a really retarded place to camp) This was poorly named... it's not a Mad Max movie, it's a Charlize Theron movie.

Here's a list of things to like: Sound/music, explosions, prop designs on a grand scale for post apocalypse. Very cool in that regard. So that earns it... 3 stars.

Here's a list of things they didn't explain: Who is Mad Max? I mean we're talking 30 years later Who is Theron? I don't even remember her name Who is the bad guy? I don't even remember his name, I don't remember anyones name Who are the women, and why are they breeding? Can't they just breed with anyone? Why are they dumping water on a bunch of people from a giant rock? Why would they build that in a desert, and where is the water coming from? Why are all these people here in this guys dump with him? I mean what does he do that's so special that got everybody praising him and worshiping him? How in the hell did Theron get these special breeders out of their amazing fortress in a giant rock?? That's a lot of bodies to fit in a small compartment in a semi too... man, they must have some kind of stealth! Why is everyone a complete dumb ass except Theron? Why is Theron the main character in a movie titled Mad Max? Why... when they went all that way to the place Theron wanted to go to, did Max tell them there's no point in going on, they need to go back? He's the one who ran away from these dudes in the first place!! He didn't even know about Therons place, but now he's like... I gotta go back to the place they captured me?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!!?!?!?!?! I could list a bunch more stuff, like how are people on stilts surviving in the middle of nowhere? But I just don't want to waste any more time on this movie.

I've got the feeling that they spend a few million on paying people to review the movie with 10 stars on IMDb. Ugh. I can't believe the mindlessness of people these days. There is barely anything interesting in this movie, it was 1hour 40 minutes too long... extremely boring. I wanted to walk out, but paying 15$ for this I kind of had to stay didn't I? Garbage like this is a dime a dozen lately, if you like this garbage you will probably like the Avengers, Hobbit, Hunger Games... I don't know how you can enjoy that nonsense. But the masses rule our entertainment apparently. Money is everything.
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Fun movie, not meant to be enlightening
25 April 2015
I had fun watching this movie, I didn't read anything about it so it was all a surprise to me. Being so unexpected it was interesting to watch and they twisted it quite a bit even though the plot was nearly the same as some thrillers I have seen like Derailed. It was funny but not side hurt funny, more like amusing in an interesting way. I think it is best to just watch it and not spend any time researching it, (something I admittedly do these days because I have high standards for movies), the movie isn't meant to be enlightening or Oscar worthy. Just fun and entertaining for a weeknight before bed.

It sort of has an endless chaos to it like a slasher flick, although pretty tame. Just sit back and enjoy it and don't look for the next best movie to add to your all time favorites. It's just fun.
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Daredevil (2015–2018)
Best live action superhero show there is!
12 April 2015
Daredevil is a show for reasonable adults who read their comic books and know the hero. The show sets the mood with a surreal comic book style world that's eerily calm yet awesome when it gets intense. It never turns into an unbelievable mess. The action can get a little cheesy and fake but it was set that way from the start of the show even at episode 1. Episode 2 holds probably the best fight scene in a TV show ever. The show is very consistent with mood, story, acting. It is not formulaic as you might think from the first few episodes as they introduce characters. The show really takes off after the 4th episode, and if you judge it by anything prior you're missing what they worked to setup. It's not realistic by any means, but for the world they created it is very consistent. No silly nonsense like you would expect from a formulaic show or Hollywood movie.

I do not mind when I show is unrealistic as long as it is entertaining and consistent within the world they write. When it's some inconsistent, unbelievable mess is when I can not stand it. Best example is Avengers when the Hulk changes the momentum and says "I could control it all along!" and they didn't have Widow and Thor look at each other and ask why he beat the hell out of them earlier? Or Superman that let's his dad die to a tornado over a dog instead of saving them both, and later in the movie he somehow can't stop Zod's head from turning after tossing each other around the city. Better yet, he can't just put his hands over his eyes. Daredevil is nothing like this, it's very consistent and he does what a rational person would expect or not expect in a good way. That's the beauty of this show, and I could see how it may come off as dry or boring to people who can't appreciate the mood.

The other thing is that this is not a formulaic show, you might think so from the first few episodes but you'd be wrong. There's no moral each show, there's no this weeks bad guy or innocent in trouble with the law that daredevil solves. There is no silly nonsense like Chloe and Clark in Smallville who always seem to figure out where the bad guy is with a few clicks of the mouse every single episode. There is no teen angst and love triangles and jealousy, not yet anyway. Same crap with Arrow, Flash, or anything on CW basically. The formula is all the same. Heros, love triangles, whiny angst ridden teens, irrational adults. None of which ever happens in Daredevil. Very impressive!

This show will not be for the bandwagon superhero fans, this show will be for the people who actually read the comics and know their hero. Not the people who all regurgitate how the new spiderman is exactly like the comics. You didn't read anything did you? Spidey was never a whiny teen, confused and emo, he could complete sentences but was troubled like a real person. Not some baby who couldn't find his way, the real spidey made mistakes and knew exactly what he wanted to do when he got the consequences. The new spidey just wants to have a hot girlfriend and do cool stuff and cry when he doesn't have it. No, you won't be able to enjoy a consistent comic book world that doesn't stray lose the vision of it's characters and story.

This isn't written or executed like a TV show. It's a 13 part movie, and it's accurate to the early comic books of Daredevil. For anyone who was waiting for the best live action superhero show, it's here. It's Daredevil, but it's here.
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Man of Steel (2013)
11 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
It starts out like Avatar and ends with stupid, and in the middle there's a glimmer of hope.

All I got from this movie is that Superman is a jerk.

His parents save him by the most insanely Avatarish world to die in a dying world while he goes to Earth to be a jerk. You would think his parents raised him properly, but no they didn't. In fact his Earth Dad watches him get beat up by kids and doesn't shout at them to stop he just waits until they torture him. Then his Dad is like, well, you know. Just don't be a jerk when you have every right to be, okay?

Then some good movie goes on for awhile until this tornado rolls in and then it gets stupid. Like, really stupid. I would repeat the word "really" a lot but I just want you to know there is emphasis on that. The dog is in the car, so instead of Superman going around a corner and saving the dog at super speed his dumb Dad is like, no don't do anything. I'm going into the tornado to kill me and the dog, alright? You guys just sit here and watch. Instead of holding his dad back at least... and you know, Martha is like, go for it go kill you and the dog! She doesn't stop him either, they're like no it's okay, this is what we do. We let our senile family kill themselves in tornados while we watch. I mean, come on, who wrote this nonsense? Just let them have a sad moment where they're like aw crap the dog died in the tornado, and his dad stresses out and has a heart attack over the excitement while they hold him back and he dies anyway so it's a really horrible time??

Who writes this crap? People rated this movie over 7, I just don't get it! I didn't know we rated movies by special FX these days.

Anyway, then some fairly decent movie goes on until they all start fighting in the city. Superman is a jerk the whole time. He stops the world destroyer like many miles away from the city where all the people are instead of stopping the one in the city that's killing everyone. What a jerk, just terrible decision making on a superheros part. Then he comes back to the city instead of just staying there the whole time, to put more lives in danger. Him and Zod toss each other around for like however long I was looking at my watch and sighing. Then they not only dumb the movie down and cause me to stand up out of my seat, not only did they dumb the movie down further into pits of stupidity like religion kills innocent people, they force superman to kill. Goes beyond the code of superman we've come to know, though he was a violent and destructive fellow, he's no murderer. Maybe an accident at worst, or doesn't do much to help an SOB when he kills himself, but this??

Let me set the scene here for you... Zod is on his knees, and Superman is holding his head like he can't stop it from turning a couple inches. I'm rolling my eyes, cause there's these idiots just standing there as if they can't duck and run or move. But I will give them the benefit of the doubt and say they are paralyzed by weird heat vision coming at them. Deer in headlights phenomenon or something right? I'm not really much of a stickler for realism in movies, all I ask in staying consistent within the world created in the movie. You know? Just keep me immersed and believing it no matter how far fetched it may be. Don't do anything completely out of the ordinary of the story itself, right? No, I should have known they couldn't do this right opening up with Avatar and killing a Dad over a dog in a tornado that he could have saved. He can't stop a heart attack, that's fair but he can save a dog and a dad from a tornado. That's Superman. They already proved he could in the story. He also just demolished a world destroying mechanical machine probably weighs ridiculous amounts more than Zod's head. He withstood so much damage and just before this they were knocking each other all over the city.

But suddenly he can't stop heat vision? He can't put his hands over his eyes like "guess what Zod? It's over, nice try though funny guy!" He can't stop his head by forcing it to turn? So to stop him... he turns his head really hard! I'd repeat the word "really..." you get the idea. He turns his head so hard he kills Zod, ruins supermans code, and completely destroying all hopes that movies are any good these days. They have no idea what they are doing. Who does this nonsense? Who lets these ideas go on? I mean, we all have our off days but this movie took a lot more than days to write. Then they went and made it even though it was written stupidly, like a disaster! That's even more insulting. I can't believe we can't get a refund, I never wanted a refund more in my life. Holy hell!

This is just the typical movie writing coming out of these blockbusters. No need to make sense or be consistent. Just toss things together and make it look good will you? People will rate it high, spend their money, it's no loss, it's profit!

It truly is too, I will never visit the theater again, either it comes to netflix streaming or no deal. This has gone on long enough.
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