
33 Reviews
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Frasier: Slow Tango in South Seattle (1994)
Season 2, Episode 1
16 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
In this episode Fraiser reminisces about a sexual relationship he had with a much older woman at the age of 17. Apparently he never said a formal goodbye to her and he's haunted by this so he needs to find her for "closure." The episode feels like a filler episode and, for me, is pure cringe.

40ish year old women should not have intimate relationships with 17 year old boys. Adults in positions of comparative power should not have intimate relationships with teenagers. My husband says the episode hasn't aged well but I'm baffled that in my lifetime this may have once been considered acceptable.
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Stitches (2001 Video)
17 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Some of the themes were intriguing, but the characters are too one-dimensional and most of the dialogue is stupid. The special effects are dumb.

The plot is that a group of people are renting rooms where Satan is renting a room. Satan manipulates all of them to gain their souls so they will do her bidding. Each person has a different compulsion that can be manipulated. One is a philanderer, one is desperate for her husband's love, one is greedy, one is vengeful... the person I watched this with agrees that we didn't feel like we wasted a little over an hour but we definitely wouldn't watch it again.
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Love & Death (2023)
First 3 Episodes Review
28 April 2023
I couldn't figure out why it felt like I had seen this before until it dawned on me that this is the same story covered by Candy. So far I think I liked Candy better because Jessica Biel is always so captivating, but the previews for Love and Death look like it will go into the aftermath whereas Candy didn't (if I remember correctly). This is a slow burn so far, but the acting is great - especially Elizabeth Olsen. I find her captivating to watch, too. I appreciate that the sex aspect wasn't really focused on as much, it feels more realistic than salacious that way. This really is a story about relationship dynamics and the focus is represented appropriately. I look forward to seeing the rest and will update my rating after it is complete.
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Accused: Ava's Story (2023)
Season 1, Episode 2
Terrible Ending
2 February 2023
I think the outcome of the court case was unrealistic. The episode proceeds one way and then in the last 10% does a "180" for no reason. I won't elaborate on why the ending is so stupid to avoid spoilers, but let it suffice to say that you don't get to engage in criminal behavior and have no penalties simply because you had a good intent. Also, people don't immediately have radical changes in their personality or worldview. So dumb. I would have rated this 8 out of 10 had it ended differently, up to that point it was a compelling story. The actors playing the main characters were good, I felt emotionally invested.
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Troll (2022)
Simple But Entertaining
8 January 2023
If you go into this with no expectations other than a large being, the last of its kind, destroying humans and cities then you won't be disappointed. This is no better or worse than many others of its kind... modern Godzilla/King Kong movies for example. I appreciated the discussion of how sad it must be to be the last of your kind in a world you don't understand. I thought the ending was particularly sad. I would watch another of these if it were produced which the mid/post credit scene alluded to as a possibility. It's true that this movie isn't brilliant, but IMO it checks the required boxes for simple entertainment.
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Baymax! (2022)
30 June 2022
Each episode wasn't amazing, but none were bad and I enjoyed them all. I love the wholesome way they tie it together in the end. Glad to see something not related to violence or smut that seems so prevalent in modern times.
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Star Trek: Discovery: Anomaly (2021)
Season 4, Episode 2
Too Much Emotional Baggage
27 November 2021
I get it, humans have emotional baggage, but when that's 95% of what you see it's a bit overkill. It really gets old. At the very least, can we please talk about how the character we are with triggers our deepest insecurities AFTER the life-threatening event has been dealt with and not during it? Is professional focus unreasonable to expect? And when we do explore the deep emotional wounds of characters, can it please not take the majority of the show? Also, can we at least TRY to be subtle rather than hamfisted with attempts to be progressive?

I miss the first two seasons and am about to give up in this iteration of Star Trek which is a shame because it started out so well in my opinion.
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Love Hard (2021)
Cute Love Story
12 November 2021
I normally hate romantic comedies and was able to get through this one so it has to be better than most, but it was still pretty standard. I think it's worth watching if you're in between shows/movies. I don't regret spending almost 2 hours watching this.
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Good Fun
10 November 2021
I rated this a 9 when really it is probably more of an 8. I bumped it up a bit because of my absolute relief and delight that this episode is entertaining after a long drought of seasons that have been pretty terrible. I don't want to give spoilers, but I loved some of the unique/entertaining aspects of the plot for this episode. I also loved the horror themes, obviously included because it is a Hallowen episode. I am looking forward to Doctor Who regaining its footing moving forward. I greatly miss the quality it used to have.
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Lacks Resonance
27 May 2021
The movie moves through events too quickly. In the book we spend enough time with characters to actually feel somewhat invested in them. In the movie I have no idea why we should care what happens to the characters. We don't really get to know Anna enough in the movie to sympathize with her trauma or even get a true understanding of the depths to which it goes. Even under the best of circumstances she's not exactly a likeable character, but likeable enough that you can feel empathy for what she's endured. Also, I really liked book Ethan until the end and in the movie Ethan just comes off as strange IMO. Movie Ethan isn't even the slightest bit charming to me. The book wasn't fantastic, but it was enjoyable enough and there was potential for the movie to be better, but they made it worse. A missed opportunity.
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I Care a Lot (2020)
Standard Fare
6 March 2021
This movie is about bad people with no redeeming qualities. It never claims to be a reflection of reality so any commentary on the lack of realism regarding guardianship processes are misplaced. I disagree with reviewers who said that the acting is bad - Rosamund Pike is a good actress and the others were solid enough, but Dianne Wiest is the one who really stood out to me. She did a fantastic job. I had never seen her acting before and I look forward to watching other things she has been or will be in. The plot is average - it's fun watching bad people trying to outgame each other, but it's been done before many times. I'm surprised that so many rated it a 1 star, it's like they haven't seen any truly terrible movies and need to check out MST3K fare.
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Young Sheldon (2017–2024)
Unexpectedly Good
23 January 2021
I am going through the series for the first time right now. I took so long to watch it because based on the previews when it first started I thought it would be very stupid. I'm glad to be wrong. I think The Big Bang Theory is funnier, but Young Sheldon makes me feel good inside. That sounds ridiculous I am sure, but there's so much smut in the world, it is so refreshing to see something wholesome. I don't even have kids and I've missed the kind of shows you can watch with kids and still enjoy. If that kind of show is your jam, you will most likely enjoy Young Sheldon.
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Stereotypical and Boring
27 December 2020
So many people praise Wonder Woman as a strong female and all I see in this movie is another thin, attractive woman whose sole motivation is tied to a man.

If I wanted to watch a romance, I'd watch a romance. I won't, though, because I don't. I had no emotional investment in any of the characters except for the kid of the main villain in this and he was only shown in 15% of the movie at most. I did enjoy seeing the opening scene, although I have no idea how it specifically ties to the rest of the movie. I was thankful that the movie was boring enough that I could prep Christmas dinner while watching, but I would have preferred to be engrossed.

Lackluster writing, lazy and uninteresting plot, stereotypical dynamics...
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Star Trek: Discovery: Terra Firma, Part 2 (2020)
Season 3, Episode 10
Not For Everyone
24 December 2020
I can see how people would not like these episodes. They should have been only one episode, not enough happened to warrant two episodes. The actress that plays Burnham was mostly solid in her acting, but a couple of parts were overdone. I think the actress who plays Giorgio (spelling?) did great all the way through. Saru's actor did great all of the way through. The acting of the supporting cast was not good in this episode IMO.

Despite its pitfalls, I loved these episodes because I can so relate to the struggle of growing up in an environment that teaches you toxic ways of being, leaving and learning healthier ways of being, then returning to the toxic environment and seeing things so differently, lamenting that some people just cannot change and, beyond that, will continually try to cut you back down to where they are. In life we sometimes see this dynamic play out in families. The whole growth process is equally liberating and difficult. This aspect of the plot resonated with me.
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Subverts Common Toxic Narratives
24 September 2020
I love this show because of the unhealthy societal narratives that it challenges in mostly organic ways. I am a scifi fan and the episodes to this point have been entertaining, but have been more horror and gore focused than I prefer. The episode entitled Meet Me in Daegu is the last one to have aired as of this review and it is brilliant - really solid storytelling which I find incredibly inspiring, especially during a time that artistic talent seems lacking in most shows. It very directly challenges common unhealthy conceptions, but it does so authentically through the plot rather than constant clunky and out of place dialogue which seems to be the trend right now in other shows. This episode is sci-fi with a hint of gore which for me is the right balance. It shows the shades of grey in some polarizing situations and people. I think choosing to have so much of the dialogue be done in a language other than English serves an important, subversive purpose. I would have left this review specifically for that episode which I rate higher than my overall rating, but decided to leave it here because it displays the same elements I like from the rest of the episodes, just better.
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Upload (2020– )
Novel Idea Cheapened By Artless Agenda Pushing
13 July 2020
I love the idea of a digital afterlife - there are a lot of interesting considerations and implications from that. The acting is good, the dialogue is juvenile. The production value like graphics seems to be good to my untrained eye. However, even though I 100% agree with what they're trying to "sell" with their liberal agenda pushing, I and everyone else do not need to be preached to. True art sets up scenarios that prompt independent thought about all of the implications relevant to the plot, they do not need to straight up tell you what to think. They give you the courtesy of thinking for yourself. I'm disappointed because this show could have been really good if it had tried harder.
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Victoria (2016–2019)
Good Fiction, Poor Historical Accuracy
9 December 2019
This is decent drama, in the vein of Downton Abbey. If that's all I expected I'd rate it 8/10. All of the acting is fantastic - I am especially impressed by Jenna Coleman and the actor who plays her husband. The plots are entertaining.

However, given that this is supposed to be historical fiction, I'm disappointed by the fabrications and insertion of modern sensibilities that did not likely exist back then. My cursory research shows that there are many things that were made up. For example: the love interest between Victoria and Lord M as well as Victoria's intervention/emotional investment in the potato famine. There are many other exaggerations and fabrications that I don't care to take the time to list.
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Jack Ryan (2018–2023)
Season 1 Is Great, Season 2 Is Not
1 November 2019
Season 1 had some level of subtlety and intrigue that made me invested. Season 2 had none of that and I was bored. It was so stereotypical it was cringeworthy.

Season 1 - 8/10. Season 2 - 3/10. Averaged and rounded rating - 6/10.
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Rings True
6 September 2019
Although I am far more honest and functional than the main character is, I can really relate to her level of struggle, relational dysfunction, isolation, hopelessness, and loneliness. There have been times in my life where I have been about as close to giving up on life as she was and the fact that the writing and acting rang true to me is a testament to the talent that went into it. I even relate to her excessive love of cats. The plot and sets are simple which adds to the realism. The acting is so good that I felt like I was watching real people. Mainly I was left feeling sad for those who struggle like her and the victims that fall prey to their dysfunction.
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The Sinner (2017–2021)
Mixed Quality
14 August 2019
Season 1 was great, engaging plot and great acting. Season 2 was okay, good plot executed in a way I don't care for. Season 1: 9/10 rating. Season 2: 7/10 rating. Averaged rating: 8/10.
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Blown Away (2019– )
Slow, But Interesting
21 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I fast forwarded through most of the creation portion of the episodes. I think it's ridiculous how many people are upset with who won. I am not a fan of that person either, but I can see how their final pieces communicated the message more clearly than their opponent. The winner didn't win because the judges liked the winner's message more, they won because the judges saw that they did a better job of articulating the message they intended to convey which is the whole point. Art is supposed to be political in my opinion - social commentary is prevalent throughout the history of art. It makes no sense to me to be mad about that.
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The Twilight Zone: Replay (2019)
Season 1, Episode 3
Essential Ideas
12 April 2019
The message may be obvious, and artlessness is something I usually hate, but it is so needed. It makes me furious that so many choose to ignore the disgusting injustices certain groups of people continue to experience - and not just based on race! Truly tragic.
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Mixed Bag
9 April 2019
First season is 8/10, second season is 4/10 so averaged it's 6/10. The acting is great. Some elements of the plot are really great.

The first season is a really interesting look at how someone discovers and begins to deal with spousal betrayal as well as the subsequent impact on children in the family. Really interesting psychological intrigue.

Season two has some smut and I find it distasteful even though I see how perfectly it illustrates the depth of dysfunction and how the destruction permeates everything.

Overall: I feel so bad for the son - truly devastating impacts on him long term, I am angry that both of the main characters are really awful parents, and I think that with friends like the ones in this show no one needs enemies. I find it odd that I both like and loathe Kate. I feel super bad about Simon even though his actions are so atrocious - how tragic is it that his psyche is almost irreparably broken and subsequently he is unable to have mental/emotional wellness or loving relationships? I don't plan to watch season three unless I read that it goes back to the quality of season one.
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Continuum (I) (2012–2015)
Good, Yet Unfulfilled
20 March 2019
The acting was solid throughout the series. Season 1 was good, season 2 started only okay and became really great, season 3 was somewhat diffuse and muddled, and season 4 was too action-oriented for my taste. I was really excited to see where the story would go after season 2 and it never really went anywhere, certainly not in the many awesome directions it could have which has left me feeling disappointed. Instead of continuing to develop the solid plotlines they started, they spent time on new elements that did not enhance the established plot and actually distracted from it. Worth watching, but could have been much better. Had it been completed as well as it should have I would've rated it 8.5/10.
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Homecoming (2018–2020)
Loved It
9 March 2019
The themes of trauma, reintegration, neuropsychology, naivete, betrayal, and governmental corruption defected through a third party are all really interesting and much of it is poignant. The acting was really good and I look forward to checking out more stuff from the actor who plays Walter. It is interesting to watch Julia Roberts play such an unhappy character, I'm used to her playing upbeat characters.

I don't think this was too slowly paced. Everything that was shown had relevance to the plot. If you're looking for the explosions and car chase kind of action, this show will likely be unsatisfying to you. I personally really look forward to season 2.

I did find some of the music to be glaringly repetitive and annoying, but it did a good job of being atmospheric. On one hand I liked the simple ending, but on the other I am disappointed that we were not able to explore the plethora of other really interesting outcomes from the plot.
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