
12 Reviews
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Undone (2019–2022)
A stellar marriage of style and substance !
14 September 2019
Amazon's latest original title ''Undone'' manages, and magnificently so , to intricately integrate flabbergasting ''Rotoscope'' animation with surreal, thought-provoking storytelling.

Quality animation isn't just meant to beautify the content , but rather to elevate it and maximize its potential , which is precisely the matter in ''Undone''. Rotoscoping in this particular case shone a bright light on the constantly deteriorating sense of reality around the protagonist ,which is emphasized by the seamlessly bewildering transitions , and the constant shattering of reality manifesting a dreamlike stage of existence reminiscent of the protagonist's state of mind .

But of course , the animation isn't the sole element lifting ''Undone'' , as it was quite beautifully coupled with an engaging story riddled with a multitude of themes; lived through flawed, realistic characters and one that leaves you aching for more .

9/10 Excellent .
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Big Little Lies: I Want to Know (2019)
Season 2, Episode 7
An acting buffet hosted by Meryl and Nicole ...
1 August 2019
Although leaving a bit to be desired , I've been thoroughly and constantly amused by this season , which not only featured some of the absolute finest acting seen all year, it's also intricately and subtly exposed unexplored shades of the characters succeeding in rendering them more nuanced and realistic , at some insignificant cost of the overall plot .

Ultimately, the extreme satisfaction generated from delicate characterization far exceeds a one from a what could've been an unrealistic plot unveiling , the fans should be exhilarated with how this season was managed .

With massive hopes of more to come .

overall season : 9/10
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What a treat ...
28 May 2019
I'll keep it quite short for the sake of avoiding nonsensical rambling , and truly delivering the message with absence of any equivocation : an absolute comedic masterpiece that will not cease to make you giggle slightly to say the least , or cause an outburst of laughter that you'll actually be able to remember .

9/10 just brilliant
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Catch-22 (2019)
a well-cut little gem ...
22 May 2019
I'd like to emphasize my total ignorance of the source material , thus my review is solely based on my experience relating to this series , and this series alone. Which undeniably inspired me to read the book even if it were as half brilliant as the show .

What impressed me the most about the show is its tremendous ability to transition between its comedic aspects and its dramatic aspects, in such an unnoticeable manner without seemingly creating a grand shift in the overall tone , preserving the notion of the show being truly a ''dark comedy'' . And not only that , the series magnificently provides brilliant moments of both aspects as it can inflict both blatant laughter in parts as opposite to sombre relentless situations in other parts , but as formerly stated , both in meticulous dosages .

Another behemoth of this series is indeed , the acting , which quite seemingly isn't astonishing considering the names constituting the list titled as the cast .Absolutely astounding performance by the brilliant ''Christopher Abbat'' as ''Yossarian'' , in which he flawlessly portrayed the exceedingly fearful and the sheerly frustrated soldier , these emotions were continuously rendered palpable after being faced with a multitude of unfortunate situations throughout the series .Also , the brilliant ''Kyle Chandler '' whose portrayal of ''Colonel Cathrcart'' was quite gratifying , which is the exact word I'd use to describe '' George Clooney'' and ''Hugh Lorie'' whom I've wished for their parts to be a bit longer .

On the technical matters , extremely appealing imagery and overall cinematography and set design . However , I've noticed that some scenes are in dire need of subtitle activation , for the dialogue was quite inaudible due to the noise generated by operating heavy machinery , so beware.

As a conclusion , a rather amusing piece of entertainment which I'd absolutely adore to explore more of .

9/10 , Brilliant.
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Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
An absolute disgrace ,a sorrowful closure that may demolish GoT's legacy ...
20 May 2019
I can assure you that i'm genuinely struggling to write this review , as the finale's lead me to a mournful state clouding my judgment , which sadly prevents me from expressing my thoughts on it in a fair , objective , and unbiased matter (which i'm quite sure wouldn't differ whatsoever from the following statements)...Thus I've decided to channel my inner game of thrones fanboy and let him do the talking instead.

I've genuinely lowered my expectations till they'd crushed the ground , I've genuinely expected the worse ,I've genuinely thought it couldn't possibly get more blatantly inadequate, I've genuinely adhered to the idea that the show was beyond redemption .Yet , this finale has somehow managed to spectacularly crush my non-existing expectations into oblivion. It was so unbelievably vile that the even the cheap ''farewell'' moments (created for the soul purpose of rendering the finale an emotional adieu between the beloved characters and the audience) , endlessly shrink at the sight of the monstrosity that is the overall episode.

This is by far the worst game of thrones episode ever put together,I do not believe for one second that GRRM co-wrote this poor excuse of a closure , it is truly shameful and disrespectful how they've closed the show in such a laughable yet melancholic manner , that could and would irreparably demolish the legacy it spent years attempting to secure .

Nevertheless I'd like to offer my sincere gratitude towards every person that participated in delivering magnificent audio-visual entertainment throughout the years, no matter how astray in the past that is . Thank you kindly

And with these closing words I shall rest my case ...

Absolute shame
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Game of Thrones: The Bells (2019)
Season 8, Episode 5
Shall we obliterate years of characters development to induce some shock value?
13 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
First of all , this episode was a visual buffet introducing some of the most visually appealing scenery ever created for television or cinema likewise , massive props to the production team.

The writing once again constituted the episode-breaking aspect , as it was once again predictable , rushed ... soaked in illogicality, inconsistency and pointlessness .So let us shed a light on how this episode was butchered shall we :

1/Daenerys bursting into a state of madness reminiscent of her late father rampaging the city into flames for no utter reason but to seemingly drive the plot forward for one more episode . The bells rung and the battles ended , The throne was finally secured and all that was left was to sit on it . And we are to believe that she's suddenly lost her sanity ,forsaken it in such a tiny time span ,due to an almost non-existing build up, throwing away what she repeatedly claimed was hers in a completely contradictory way to what she was built up to be ...and for the silliest of reasons ? Absolutely inexcusable.

2/Yes the dragon was covered with armor as many predicted , however not with actual armor , PLOT armor .It is a bit unbelievable to say the least that the dragon single-handedly managed to destroy the iron fleet and the city's defenses in such effortlessness , wouldn't you say ? Considering what a ''Scorpion'' ballista is capable of shooting down from the sky *cough* Rhaegal *cough*... So imagine how impressed I was with the writing and the complete absence of plot armor when I witnessed Drogon wrecking havoc upon King's landing's defences ....Brilliant .

3/Cersei's death was quite unfortunate and wasteful , it didn't strike me as the emotional blow I expected it would whatsoever ,it felt lacking and shallow .Always a great shame to witness such cunning ,intelligent characters disgraced by such dull endings with little to no usage of what makes their character dangerously brilliant whatsoever ,and the absence of a mere shred of resistance ( RIP Varys , Baelish)

It is sad ,disappointing , and shameful to witness giants crumble , fall down on their knees , and humbly perish in such spectacularly wasteful manners . For it is Finally that I got to the point where i can confidently say , Game of thrones is beyond redemption and what a great shame that is . Cheers

6/10 for the visual feast and the exquisite performances by the actors .
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Chernobyl (2019)
Gripping , intriguing , beautifully horrifying .
9 May 2019
This latest title in HBO's arsenal has managed to bring one of the most vile human made disasters in the entire history into existence , and it was quite brilliant .

The scenery was beautifully gripping , the camera movement was quite representative of the tension that was palpable that very gruesome night .

The acting was to no one's surprise , brilliant , considering the names constituting the cast. The constant false-reassuring state in which the characters are present that night , was meticulously portrayed by the actors .

I've felt that the element that had the most hand in creating the feeling of suspense , anxiety , combined with the inevitability of a disastrous outcome , was the music ,a brilliant tone reminiscent of a ticking time bomb needing only time before the unleashing of catastrophe .

The writing certainly succeeds in capturing the viewer's interest by maintaining the story at a constantly moving state ,by introducing conflict throughout almost the entirety of the episode .

If you prefer anxiety inducing thrillers coupled with brilliant production , what are you waiting for mate ? Go watch it .

9/10 from me
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Game of Thrones: The Last of the Starks (2019)
Season 8, Episode 4
Was it really that appalling of an episode ? absolutely not !
6 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The amount of accumulated hate this episode has managed to gather is quite ''exaggerated'' to say the least . I mean the episode was far from a state of beautifully written ,yet it's given us glimpses of what we are truly missing , a peak at the past if you will ...

The writing , once again , hasn't ceased to drown in the sea of illogicality in relation to certain events :

1-The dragon's death was unrealistic to say the least , but is it a breaking point of the episode ? not quite .

2-Capturing Missandei out of the water considering how much of an asset she would be as a hostage to Cersei , was rather improbable and thus a strike to the writing .

3-Dany marching towards King's landing backed up by a handful of unsullied , her dragon (surprisingly so considering it lost its brother a few scenes prior , which logically implies that Dany wouldn't think of risking its life in such a way),neglecting the fact that Cersei could've ended the war right then and there .

4-Cersei failing to put an end to the war when she had the upper hand was completely uncharacteristic , and yes a breaking point of the show would it not be justified in the upcoming episodes .That would imply that capturing Missendei was an utter pointless act , which accomplished nothing but to awaken the rage of Dany and push her through the edge ,for her to fall into the tyrannic mad nature she sought to end throughout her life .IT certainly looks like that is where the show is heading .

Add a couple of uncharacteristic decision making here and there (Jaime) and you've summed up the cons of this episode.

Now come to the reason i've failed to utterly detest this episode was the ushering of certain moments reminiscent of the glory days of GoT . The scenes between Varys and Tyrion are quite brilliant , the dialogue is noticeably improved , character interactions were witty , interesting for once , and unblemished by forced humour.

My concluding point is : Yes , the episode wasn't brilliant at all .But it certainly wasn't as vile as some describe it to , simply because the show has failed to animate their expectations into existence , simply because they refuse to acknowledge the route the show is marching on. That is a massive subjective bias controlling and blinding most reviewer from truly delivering an objective , fair , review ...allowing innumerable people to jump on the bandwagon of hate without clear understanding of what makes a good show good , or vice versa .

6/10 from me .
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Game of Thrones: The Long Night (2019)
Season 8, Episode 3
Arya can fly ... is that what you waited for ?
29 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I can assure you that anyone who followed this epic tale has advanced to watch this episode expecting something grand to occur , a climax . Unfortunately , what the audience received was quite the opposite , I say that considering the amount of accumulated eagerness for a devastating , heart-wrenching final point to this lengthy tale.

First of , the cinematography was surprisingly vile and dark at times to the point where nothing was quite visible , although it balances out with some beautiful scenery throughout the battle so it hasn't constituted a serious problem , but I had to mention it .

Speaking of the battle , it was brutal , bloody , and the flow was smooth enough in order to avoid boring the audience , I believe it is quite the best aspect of this episode .

The writing ? extremely banal, predictable, and nonsensical at times . It seems that typical Hollywood writing has held GoT writers hostages for the past two seasons , which is noticeable in numerable situations , especially the ''last second save'' plot convenience which reoccurred at least 3 times to my counting . The main characters felt absolutely safe , even the secondary ones felt like they'd survive and most of them did against the incredible odds they've been put against ! ... I mean how many times have you spotted say Brienne , Jamie , and Podrick swarmed by a tsunami of walkers , only to be saved by cutting away to a different scene ? Talk about GoT not having plot armor ...

The death of the dothraki was the epitome of idiotic writing , how is it that arguably the best combatants in Westeros charged the enemy ignorant of its position? Lazy , nonsensical, shallow writing is what it is .

The deaths of Jorah , Theon , lyanna , Beric , Melissandre ,felt emotionally light and predictable , they absolutely failed to transfer the viewer into the realm of sorrow and awe , which was the main thing expected of this episode and that sadly hasn't delivered at least for my subjective experience .

Finally , the moment that broke the episode was Arya stabbing the night king into oblivion . Although many see it as a satisfactory closer , I don't and i'm quite sure many share my view regarding this . It was illogical and anti-climactic . How is it considering that the night king backed up by an army of walkers , that Arya was able to maneuver her way around that said army , injured , and save Bran at the last second ? Absolute nonsense .

And as the night king vanished away , my hopes for a decent closer to this show continuously do so , I wonder if it is to late to save it .

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Game of Thrones: Winterfell (2019)
Season 8, Episode 1
style over substance , has GoT lost its core ?
15 April 2019
The premiere of series 8 of Game of Thrones has left me with quite a bit of disappointment ,as it assures that the show continuously marches the same trail as it did the previous season .

The most noticeable weak aspect of the episode was by far : THE DIALOGUE ... which drenched of a marvel-esque type of forced humour and uninteresting content for the most part .

Some scenes drowned in illogicality , others in pointlessness (yes , the dragon ride) .Speaking of pointlessness , that seemed to be the theme of this episode ....don't get me wrong , I live for character development in a TV title , but sadly , there wasn't quite any ... leaving the episode in the realm of wasted time , filled by unemotional reunions and a failed drive for wit and humour ... shame !

The story hasn't advanced an inch forward , which is worrisome considering the number of remaining episodes . There was a major plot reveal which was handled quite in an underwhelming way, for which it could've been presented on a much grander scale , the ending of the episode however was quite strong .

To summarize , this episode was utterly disappointing especially as a premiere for the final season of the most popular , most awaited for, show on the globe , I sincerely hope they dramatically drift from the rail of season 7 by the upcoming episodes .
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Russian Doll (2019–2022)
An intricate exposure of ultimately deep themes, in a light charming sort of way
4 February 2019
Russian Doll is definitely Not a comedy title . Well, not in the sense that you might've imagined anyways .

This show manages to astoundingly unite delicate philosophical themes, and tends to deliver them in the most lighthearted ways .I won't bother to list the aforementioned themes , as I had a considerable amount of pleasure trying to dissect the show , so it would infinitely pain me to deny you (the reader of this review) that same pleasure .

I would definitely applaud certain performances regarding this project , starting undeniably with the astonishing ''Natasha Lyonne'' , followed by the talented ''Charlie Barnett'' , although I'm truly ashamed to admit that I've never actually witnessed his work beforehand .

I would ultimately argue that the overall darkness , quirkiness , and the amount of depth presented in this show will ultimately leave you satisfied should you decide to invest some time in it , as it certainly left me in a flabbergasting -dare I say- admiration .

Brilliant , 9/10 from me.
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Bird Box (2018)
A very forgettable experience ...
9 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I feel like the few elements that grasped my interest as a viewer regarding Bird Box resolve around the acting , particularly Sandra and John, the cinematography, and the concept . The many illogical occurrences limit the enjoyment especially for people who have a hard time suspending their disbelief regarding certain situations such as the following :

-The grocery refill trip and it's ridiculous success considering the ridiculous circumstances !

-The constant stupidity from various characters leading to many unnecessary unsurprising deaths .

-The simultaneous birth giving has got to be one of the most ridiculous things I've ever witnessed , or I'm I supposed to grasp the idea of it being a coincidence ?

-Tom killing and injuring members of the uninfected group whilst being blindfolded .

-The boat flipping leading to everyone reaching shore safely with no considerable injuries ,considering how fast the river flow was , and how rocky that area was , believable right ?

-Successfully navigating through a forest suspended from your eye sight relying only on distant bird noises .

Those were the few but noticeable flaws that limited my enjoyment , coupled with some clishéd characters and almost no character development , and a very forgettable closer to the movie (I mean not even a slight explanation about the nature of the creatures , not even a theory being discussed by members of the household ?! )

5/10 from me , still better than ''a quiet place''.
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