
71 Reviews
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Ever Decreasing Circles (1984–1989)
Those were the days
27 August 2024
Oh the golden days of British comedy.

Richard Briers not long out of one the best 'The Good Life' plays someone completely different as Martin Bryce. Martin has OCD and feels threatened by the confident neighbour Paul played admirably by the versatile Peter Egan and beautiful Penelope Wilton. I think everyone watching at the time were willing her to run off with Paul. In real life she would have done.

Today he would be labeled a control freak and the W brigade wouldn't like him but I did.

What is really good about it is it the reflection of Britain in the eighties, no mixed marriages crammed in to tick a box. British people as they were back then just before the invasion started and the W brigade didn't exist.

Before political correctness was more important than making us laugh.
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Ragdoll (2021)
I would have given 5 stars but.....
26 August 2024
Yes I would have given five stars just for Sam Troughton who managed to act everyone else off the screen. Coming from a family of actors, his granddad Patrick and father David, I think is the best of the three and certainly the best here, he was truly frightening.

Unfortunately nothing else was worthy of 5 stars, in fact the extremely annoying American DC character should have earned minus ten!! Any other boss would have sent her packing instead of pandering to her childish ways.

I haven't read the books, glad I hadn't before or I would have been as disappointed as other reviewers who had.

I suspect there was no American, lesbian, vegan in the book, they just had to tick those boxes. Is Baxter a woman in the book and the chief cop also a woman? It wouldn't surprise me if the answer is no, gotta tick them as well.

Too many producers and writers think that they have to include all these now days as they are in very walk of life, they're not, please stop cramming them in where they don't exist. I won't mention the W word as it seems whenever I do I get cancelled. I mourn the death of freedom of speech.

The ending was also dreadful, no spoiler on why.

If they make another series I won't be watching.
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Atomic People (2024)
A lesson that's not been learnt
7 August 2024
I honestly didn't know how to rate this, but I opted for a ten for the following reason.

The stories from the ancient survivors are without a doubt heartbreaking. I won't list them here, there are so many and unbelievable that they are still alive approaching a hundred years old.

What frightens me is that the likes of Putin, Biden/Trump, Iran, China, North Korea, Israel have their fingers on the button. A handful of men with the fate of billions in their hands. We know it's insane but they don't seem to care.

This should be shown to them, forced to make them see what would happen to their people and their country, not to mention themselves. Just because they might had a safe place to ride out the bombs doesn't mean they will have something to come back to.

I have no sympathy for the Japanese people of that time. I understand why they attacked Pearl Harbor, they expected the US to come to the negotiating table, they didn't think they would go to all out war.

To try and play the injured party, which this documentary appears to show, is awful;. The atrocities they enacted on the civilian populations of the countries they invaded and prisoners of war is beyond forgivable.

The invasions of Iwo Jima and Okinawa cost the lives of over 20,000 Americans and over 250,000 Japanese. If they had mounted an assault on mainland Japan the estimated US casualties were expected to be in excess of 1 million.

They really had no choice.

I reiterate, show this to those with their finger on the button.
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Casualty: Man's Best Friend (2024)
Season 38, Episode 36
Poor Dervla
5 August 2024
I really felt for Dylan ( coincidentally also my son's name ) I had lurcher like Dervla many years ago and had to have her put to sleep after she contracted an infection that they couldn't cure.

So when Dylan was with Dervla as she slipped away it reminded me of the same time when I sat with my Loops as she slipped away. I know it's only a TV show but it brought it all back along with the tears.

So as for some reason I have to write another 170 characters, don't understand how some people can only write less than half that but here I am trying.

I love Casualty and Dylan is one of the best characters.
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Piglets (2024– )
Callie's legs
29 July 2024
Yes the best thing about this series are Callie Cooke's legs. Seriously there is nothing else good to say about this pile of Pooh.

I didn't smile once let alone give a chuckle or even a belly laugh. It's not a comedy, it's an embarrassment. I feel for such experienced actors as Sarah Parish, Mark Heap and Colin McFarlane, they must have needed the cash or didn't read the script before signing on the dotted line.

Speaking of Callie Cooke, she changes clothes twice in the first episode from mini skirt and boots to short, no boots and back to mini skirt and boots, was that supposed to be a joke? Nice legs though but not sure I can sit through anymore in the hope of seeing them again.
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Awful people
16 July 2024
I'm not sure who this series would appeal to. It's full of rich women, mainly rich due to the man they have married. Perhaps it appeals to the same kind of person but I think the majority of us, especially those struggling to pay their electric bill, would be turning off.

I'm not sure what else I can add to the above to make my review long enough to satisfy the powers that be. Maybe pointing out how shallow most of them are, something new rich people tend to be.

Phew still another 110 characters to go, how about how annoying Abbey Clancy's voice is, lovely looking lady but I couldn't take more than ten minutes of the voice.
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Those were the days
25 May 2024
Yes, those certainly were the days, when England was full of the English. Made in the days before diversity. Today Tom Bell's character would probably be a Jamaican, there were precious few here in 1951.

Emily Lloyd, daughter of Roger (Trig from only fools) Lloyd Pack puts in a find performance as Lynda, loosely based on the early life of Cynthia Payne the notorious Madam back in the day.

Supporting cast did a fine job as well, even Tom Bell who is well cast as the smarmy bookie who pushes himself on her. I've never really liked him and his character is despicable, type cast I think.

I just wish England was still like this, the England I remember as a child, before diversity.
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Stargate Universe (2009–2011)
Shame it ended
20 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I missed this series the first time round and have just watched it on the Syfy channel.

I was very disappointed that is only ran for two series and left us with a cliffhanger. There should be some kind of unwritten law that states series that are cancelled must have a conclusion and not leaving us hanging.

I generally enjoyed the series. I had a few problems with some of it though. When they first go through the Stargate and arrive on Destiny they only have the clothes they are standing up in. Yet we never see them clean them, Eli is the most noticeable with his red T shirt and fleece which never seems to get dirty or worn. Especially noticeable when he, along with others, spend a month on a planet.

The ammunition is supposedly in short supply yet they never seem to run out even after loosening off a huge amount in some episodes.

In series 2 episode 9 a second Rush comes in a shuttle from the future. He then proceeds to dock with Destiny, how is there somewhere for him to dock as it comes from the future and the now Destiny should still have both shuttles.

Other than those gripes it was fab, would have been nice to have a one off film to bring them back to Earth though.
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Professor T: A Little Drop of Poison (2024)
Season 3, Episode 4
More poison
19 April 2024
There are only two reasons to watch this series;

1, Frances de la Tour (the best) 2. Ben Miller, releasing his inner Death in Paradise.

The rest is, well Meh, they have now got rid of the annoying boss lady and replaced her with an even more annoying boss lady in the shape of ex Casualty's. Sunetra Saker, not that the actress in annoying, just the character.

I',m fining it hard to watch new crime series as there is always an annoying boss lady and the men are all servile, bowing and scrapping. With the underdog male, he is always stupid whilst his female partner is always the cleaver one.

I cite the new Blue Lights as an example, top boss ladies (note the plural) There are many others, one one about the floods, can't remember the name. Pregnant female rookie copper solves the case. I could go on but the last time I saw a man at the top was Midsomer Murders and if he ever leaves I guarantee a woman will take his place.

Men are being phased out, especially if they look a bit pale.
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Professor T: Heir to the Throne (2024)
Season 3, Episode 1
28 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I watched the previous two series with my late wife, didn't really like it much. Like most TV these days, man stupid, woman clever, white man bad, black man good, woman in charge.

This is so boring but I tried this first episode just in case it might have changed, but, no, it's the same old, same old. That aside there is something else that really annoyed me, when the Professor is taken to prison they take his clothes and replace them with prison gear. Remanded prisoners, that is, un-convicted prisoners, can wear their own clothes and have items they need sent it. When he has a parcel sent in they would have checked it out immediately and not waited until it was handed to him.

I have read here that the Belgian original series is much better, I am going to check it out in the hope that it doesn't tick all the boxes I mentioned earlier.

I won't be watching any more of this one.
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Call the Midwife: Episode #13.4 (2024)
Season 13, Episode 4
30 January 2024
This episode was very special to me.

The story-line about Tuberculosis was very close to my heart. At the age of fourteen in 1966 I had the BCG test. Whilst all my friends marks disappeared in a week mine came up a few millimeters and bright yellow !

The doctor sent me for an X ray and I was told I couldn't play football for a while which was music to my football hating ears.

To see the scene with the school children waiting in line for the test brought the whole thing flooding back. It took me 2 years to fully recover taking 6 pills the size of horse pills every day during that time. I can swallow anything now.

It's great that they can tackle a lot of the problems we had in the 50/60s. Just when I was beginning to think this series was getting too stale, it's not.
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Spender: Retreat (1993)
Season 3, Episode 6
21 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this series back in the day when it was first broadcast. I loved it and was disappointed that there wasn't a fourth series. I've just binge watched all three, still as hard hitting as it was then.

My German wife would have loved the premise but although she spoke perfect English she would have struggled with the accents, I know I did in places, I mean what is a gadgey?

It's quite obvious that Jimmy had wanted one or there wouldn't have been such a cliff hanger that left us hanging forever. Typical BBC. Is Francis dead or was she having a ciggy somewhere? We will never know so one star off for that.

The series has featured a lot of soon to become bigger stars and a lot of refugees from Aufwiedersehn Pet. Timothy Spall, Christopher Fairbank, Denise Welch, Julia Tobin and Melanie Hill, jobs for the boys, not a problem for me, all great actors.
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Vera: Tender (2024)
Season 13, Episode 2
16 January 2024
Well let's start with the plus +++++ points.

Nice to see Joe back, he's softening a bit after his 'I prefer to be called Sir' entry last week, not sure about the full beard though.

This is the best plot we've had for a long time, lots of red herrings and who was the victim, really.

So now the minus - points

Why, oh why are the producers of TV shows, films etc obsessed with mixed race couples, two in this episode. Just seen the new Silent Witness, what do we have there? Yup, mixed race couple, although this time a little different with the genders reversed, at least it shows a white man this time.

I digress.

I know Ms Blethyn is actually 20 years past retirement age but to be fair, she doesn't look it and I really don't care, keeping doing it while you can Brenda.

Nice to see Kenny looking trimmer as well, give him more to do.

So ten stars but one off for the minus point.
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Respect (2021)
No Otis?
2 January 2024
Otis Redding was the writer of one of her biggest and most remembered hits, 'Respect' but is barely mentioned let alone seen.

A lot of key moments in her life were left out, the death of Martin Luther King was very unclear, it took a while before I realize who they were talking about. I know it's hard to cram a life into a two hour movie but they did stop in the early seventies. I haven't seen the Genius TV series, didn't know there was one until I read some of the reviews here, rest assured I will.

The only really plus point is the performance of Jenifer Hudson who almost, I say, almost out sung Aretha. The lowest point of her singing was at the end with Amazing Grace which was nothing sort of howling.

They could also have used a more flattering performance of her for the end titles, as bad as the ending of the Elvis movie when they showed a bloated Elvis in his final performance.
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The Orville: Mortality Paradox (2022)
Season 3, Episode 3
I love surreal
2 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
And this episode it very, very surreal.

I don't understand the low reviews, anymore than they understand the high ones. I can see this is a bit of a Marmite episode and I love Marmite.

This series started as a Star Trek spoof but seems to have morphed into a serious Science Fiction one. I could see Kirk, Bones and Spock in the same situation.

The character of DInal seems to be a but like Q but I see she isn't in any further episodes, maybe in another series, of which really hope there will be at least three more!

Of course you very soon realize all is not as it seems when they step from a sports field on to a jet airline.

I enjoyed it, I'm sad that some others didn't.
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Grantchester: Episode #6.3 (2021)
Season 6, Episode 3
I know it's only fiction, but.....
12 December 2023
I still get angry when I see how Leonard, well played by Al Weaver, is demonized by his sexuality. Not just because it was an antiquated law that belonged in another era but because only men could be prosecuted for it. Queen Victoria deemed it that women couldn't possibly. And they scream for sexual equality, where was it back in the day?

Then there is the unnecessary inclusion of a non white archbishop, crammed in to satisfy diversity, there wasn't one for over 3 decades. Grantchester is set in the leafy Cambridge suburb of the fifties and not the eighties is simply wrong. It's a continuing error that satisfies no one.

A powerful episode that sees Will torn between his beliefs and what the church, in the guise of the out of place Archdeacon, wants shim to say.

I know it's only fiction but I know this kind of injustice happened and I still get angry.
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Signora Volpe (2022– )
Foxy Fox
2 November 2023
Anything with Emilia Fox in is compulsive viewing as far as I'm concerned and this is just as compulsive.

I do understand the one and two ratings, probably by the Fast and Furious fans who don't like anything unless there are constant gun fights and explosions, none of which are present here.

What we do have is a fab setting in Italy, the gorgeous Ms Fox and fab to see Tara Fitzgerald in another series, they both worked together on Silent Witness (hope we get more of that). Plus we have Miss Dire Straits. Izzy Knopfler who does a cellular performance as the love struck teenage daughter of Ms Fitzgerald.

I enjoyed it and if your over, say 35-40 you'll probably enjoy it as well, otherwise, probably not.
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Too many big names
22 October 2023
Let me state from the get go that this is a fantastic war film. I don't know how Eisenhower could walk out after a such a short time due to inaccuracy's. I'm sure there are some but on the whole a fairly accurate account of that day in June 1944. Unlike the dreadful Battle of the Bulge that was all wrong from the start.

There are too many big names crammed into small parts that they certainly were unsuited for i.e. John Wayne, who wasn't even particularly good in his part. There are others that have already been covered by previous reviewers.

Made in the days before CGI so the thousands of men on the beaches are real thousands of extras. Co-ordinating all of them must have been a directors nightmare. I also like the fact that everyone spoke in their native tongues and not all English with dodgy accents.

It still stands as one of the best war films of the sixties, if not one of the best war films ever. One star off for John Wayne etc.
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The Cruel Sea (1953)
Simply the best
21 October 2023
I must have seen this film fifty times or more, I have the DVD but always watch it if on TV, which it just has been.

It's totally devoid of Hollywood glamour, unbelievable heroics or chiseled good looks. Small love interest with Virginia McKenna but not in a character that wouldn't have existed.

My father was on the North Atlantic and Russian convoys in a ship similar to Compass Rose. He was sunk on Christmas Eve 1943, the ship didn't go down immediately so they were rescued the next morning.

He always loved this film as well, saying it was very close to the real thing. Jack Hawkins excelled at the captain with Donald Sinden close behind.

One of the grittiest war films of the day and still way ahead of a lot of more recent war films, as I said in the title, its simply the best.
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Nothing like the book but....
2 September 2023
I have just reviewed the recent TV series having just re-read the book after my first time over 50 years ago. I bought it just after seeing the film as a 15 year old schoolboy.

I loved the film, still do despite it being barely anything resembling the book. I don't really care, the film is a work of art all on it's own. The name of Harry Palmer, invented for the film as the protagonist is only ever referred to as 'Harry' just once in the book.

He is also not a convicted black marketeer. A great deal of the plot of the book isn't covered, like the bomb test especially. At least they get the traitor right in the film which they don't in the TV show.

None of that matters, I was entertained by both and have the film on DVD to watch over and over again. Nice pre Hudson role for Gordon Jackson.
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2 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I read the book over fifty years ago after seeing the film, I will review that later. After watching this I have just re-read it.

This version is closer to the book with elements that the film left out as well as adding some things that weren't in the book.

I take all three as different items. No book is ever faithfully reproduced, time restrictions being the main reason for a film. However this is over 6 hour long episodes so could include a lot more, which it has done fairly well.

As in the film Deighton's nameless agent is Harry Palmer, although he is referred to as 'Harry' just once in the book. At no time is he ever a black market dealer as a soldier, this was an invention for the film and expanded here, no problem.

In the book Jean has a smaller but significant role but I understand how she needs to be built up for the modern day.

The only gripe I have is the absence of Ross, heavily present in the book and Dalby becoming a good guy when he is the traitor in both the book and the film.

I thought Joe Cole did a fine job of attempting a Micheal Caine impression and Tom Hollander, despite being miss represented as Dalby was his usual excellent self. I have now watched it twice, might even buy the DVD.

It's almost spot on.
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The Reunion (2022)
18 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
NIce location, fantastic scenery, great photography, top actors.

Bad script, bad characterization. I mean are we really supposed to accept that Dervla Kirwan, who is only two years older than Ioan Gruffud, can possibly be his mother. I thought she was his sister, the grey hair doesn't help. Also, Rupert Graves is only ten years older. I the photographs of him with Vinta, taken 25 years before, he looks exactly the same, must have a portrait in the attic.

Were there no actors in their 70s who could play these parts?

I'm sorry, I gave it two episodes but like a previous reviewer I gave up wanting to know or caring about what happened to Vinta, I really really don't care.
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Clean Sweep (2023)
Solid Performance from Ms McKenna
14 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Text: The best thing in this series is Charlene McKenna who acts everyone else off the screen, the boy playing her son is close second. I first became aware of her in Ripper Street, I know she had done before that, when I genuinely thought she was from East London. Top actor.

The wake producers have managed to tick all the boxes, 1. P O C female detective, double click 2. Gay detective, click 3. Disabled child super click.

Interesting plot, I wasn't expecting her to shoot the guy but if you take a gun to a meeting that's probably what's going to happen.

Her husband is a bit of a wet blanket, I wouldn't promote him, if he solves the case he'll be out of a job not promoted or reduced to directing traffic.

I'm interested to see how it plays out, I read in a previous review that a second series is planned, don't know if that's true or not. It could be a completely different set of characters under the same heading, like Fargo.

A previous reviewer said that the school scenes were unrealistic and laughable. Well, I wouldn't know it's been a long time since I was at school myself or had a child in one, so who cares!

Enjoyable series, recommended.
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Star off for making me cry
14 August 2023
I have read a lot of the low scoring reviews, maybe they have a point. I don't know as I have neither read the book or seen the original Swedish 'A Man Called Ove' but I will check out the film.

I do agree with one such reviewer who complained about the trans character. I don't know if he is in the book or the Swedish version, probably not. I suspect he was crow-bared in to make it eligible for the Oscars as these are now obligatory if you want to be considered.

Tom Hanks was playing against type, a grumpy old man instead of everyone's friend. It was inspirational to cast his son as the younger Otto. And Mariana Trevino should be Oscar nominated, she stole the show for me.

So I take one star off for making me cry almost all the way through it. My wife died earlier this year and I could really empathize with Otto. Especially in the flashbacks of when him and his wife first meet.
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From: The Kindness of Strangers (2023)
Season 2, Episode 2
Of all the Weird towns.......
3 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
In all the world, you had to walk into mine?

So the writer and producers didn't think the lesbian doctor was obvious enough so of all the people in the world who could be in that bus, low and behold there, large as life is her lesbian lover. How'd have thought it possible. I mean there are some others there missing their loved ones but no, let's tick that particular box again and ram the point home. After all, every show must have one.

Then we have the bizarre episode where the sheriff is stuck down a well and is saved by a emaciated old man shackled to the wall at least 3 meters from it. How did he manage to throw a rope down whilst hanging from his wrists.

I know it's produced by the same crew who gave us series upon series of Lost with hundreds of loose ends not tied up then the cop out of 'Oh their all dead' If there is anyone out there that didn't feel let down by that rubbish ending I'd love to hear from you.

I fear this will end the same way when they stumble onto the Lost Island and find they've been there ever since.
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